I began my reefing journey a few years ago as many do: visions of a pristine reef with wavy corals and anemones hosting natural instinct-competent clownfish. Maintenance of a pest-free environment was, of course, a top priority, and among those critters categorized as pests was the unsightly bristleworm. As the story goes, the first tank was problematic, and I eventually came around to embrace full ocean live rock and sand and all the critters that don't spell imminent death. Curiously, I went bristleworm-free until my third and current tank. They are fine They do a great job. Acceptable tenants... until they're not.
My question is, do bristleworms become problematic once they are very large? I've read that they regulate their own population based on availability of food, but will a large hungry bristleworm just let itself starve or begin to experiment with living foods? At some point, simple biomass would become a problem, no?
I don't harbor ill feeling toward them, but I also don't have any ethical dilemma in culling the population. I see them like an algae scrubber--removing some of them and turning them into fertilizer is essentially nutrient export.
This is one of the yasha goby's back doors. When I feed corals at the end of the day and the lights are dimming, these guys start pouring out like they're crawling out of the pits of hell! Some are becoming quite large.
My question is, do bristleworms become problematic once they are very large? I've read that they regulate their own population based on availability of food, but will a large hungry bristleworm just let itself starve or begin to experiment with living foods? At some point, simple biomass would become a problem, no?
I don't harbor ill feeling toward them, but I also don't have any ethical dilemma in culling the population. I see them like an algae scrubber--removing some of them and turning them into fertilizer is essentially nutrient export.
This is one of the yasha goby's back doors. When I feed corals at the end of the day and the lights are dimming, these guys start pouring out like they're crawling out of the pits of hell! Some are becoming quite large.