Help please- tang on bottom of tank after ich/copper


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Oct 13, 2020
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I’m gonna try and make this short, but it’s been a long journey.
Mae started our 75gal in June, it was cycled and started slowly adding fish in July. In September we noticed several of our fish had white spots which we believe to be ICH and our LFS (where we purchased all fish) gave us some Fritz coppersafe to dose our 20 gal hospital tank.
I know, I know- if we had just Qt’d each fish when we got it, then we wouldn’t be dealing with all this. We have learned our lesson.
Anyway, we didn’t have a copper tester so we assumed that the LFS gave us the right dose, and we just needed to wait the 90 days. They told us don’t worry about water changes, just don’t let the water level drop too much, keep it topped off.
So into the Qt they went.
two black phantom clowns
A diamond goby
A small blue hippo
A tomini tang
A rusty angel
And a cleaner wrasse.
Cut to a week ago- day 24 of the copper. The wrasse was acting very lethargic in the afternoon/evening not eating and swimming slow with his tail pointed down. The next day no eating still, and his nose was towards the top and he was swimming vertically around the surface and gasping. He went to “hide” in his rock and then the next day he passed.
The day before the wrasse passed this we noticed some white mucus looking coating on our hippo tang, and one of our clowns had a strange fleshy spot on his tail instead of his white color. Started maracyn thinking this was related to a bacterial infection secondary to the ich.
The hippo tang didn’t eat last night and wasn’t moving around. Same thing this morning.
We did the last dose of maracyn last night, and they finished their 30 days in copper last night.
I moved the pvc that he was in to get a better look and he was laying on his side, arched, and his dorsal fin was fully extended- see video. He has been laying on his side ever since ( apx 7 hours.) I started 50% water changes to get the meds out.

Any suggestions? Afraid we’re going to lose him? The picture with the glove and by the glass is now. 9E88163C-CD72-4AAB-95A8-7808347565CD.jpeg 4185FDBC-6E5B-475F-86FA-F88A90CD52A7.jpeg


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