HELP: 3 clownfish dead and sad corals

Mason D

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Oct 16, 2020
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I am stumped when it comes to problems with my 10 gallon AIO reef tank. Someone PLEASE help me.

I bought the tank used just over a month ago. It came cycled with two snails and two hermit crabs.

After two weeks of it running it, I bought an emerald crab and two easy SPS corals. The corals immediately became floppy, never showed its polyps and slowly withered away/fell off its frag until it died. I took a water sample to my LFS and they said it was fine, therefore it must have been my lighting.

I dimmed my lighting and waited two more weeks. All of my inverts seemed fine so I decided to try some more coral and buy two clownfish. I properly drip acclimated both my new coral and fish. They looked great and were swimming fine.

I came back six hours to find one of the clowns dead. It had some white stuff on it so I figured it was just sickly. The LFS gave me a new one.

I woke up the next morning to the other original one dead.

Now, a day later, my third clown has some white stuff on it and it is having trouble swimming. I lowered the flow a bit but I fear it is too late.

On top of all of this my coral is floppy again and looking sad!

My water parameters are:

T: 78F
SG: 1.025
PH: 8.1
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Alkalinity: 8 dKH

I'm going to be out more than $300 bucks in live stock. I've had several freshwater tanks that ran successfully. I feel like a fish murderer and am about ready to give up the hobby.

My water is fine and my inverts are doing great, it is just my fish and coral which die fast.

Any input is very, very much appreciated.

The photos are:
pic 1 - freshly put in my tank
pic 2 - sick clown
pic 3,4,5 - sad SPS corals


IMG_6084.PNG IMG_6083(1).PNG IMG_6085.PNG IMG_6086.PNG IMG_6089.PNG
Top Shelf Aquatics

Hugh Mann

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Hard to tell by the pictures, but it could be brooklynella. I'm not overly familiar with it, but I know it is one of the main diseases clownfish get. Seems like it may fit your description. I'd give this a read, Humblefish is an excellent source for information on Parasites and other infections. Unfortunately a lot of his mentioned treatments are unavailable in Canada due to our silly laws, so if it is, I'm not sure what you can do about it.

Nutramar Foods


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Sep 20, 2020
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Again I do not claim to be an expert, 1) "It came cycled", any tank disturbed, like sand dumped into a bucket, then back into the tank will re-cycle. 2) Hard to believe with all of the bio die-offs, you are showing zero ammonium, Nitrite or Nitrate. The temp and salinity are ok, but again are they accurate? When things are dying this fast, look for high stress, way to much flow etc. I also urge people to try and slow down, see if there is an outside contamination source, close to a bathroom, hairspray, cleaners being used etc. Slow down, deep breath and keep asking questions. Good luck...

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