Zooxanthellae are quite often in Acropora responsible for up to 90% of the energy needed for calcification! The spectral makeup of a light source will dictate the amount of energy the zooxanthellae can produce.It’s also about respiration of the coral. Zooxanthellae are responsible for coral color and general health. Par levels alone are not the cause for coral health and color. As far as what spectrum does what, no idea. Just offering more to the coral color and growth puzzle.
Why Flow is So Critical in a Reef Aquarium | Reef Builders | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog
If you shut off your skimmer for a day or two there is usually no problem. I have also shut off all my lights for four days to kill algae and again there was no issue with the corals. But I have had…reefbuilders.com
The Science of Reef Aquarium Water Flow - 15 Things Every Reefer Should Know
Explore the science of water flow and why its so critical to the health of your saltwater aquarium fish and corals.www.bulkreefsupply.com
Cultivating a thriving reef tank can be a challenge with all of the requirements you must meet. You may be surprised to know that one of the most important requirements is not salinity or lighting…www.lifestyleaquarium.com.au
As for flow, I couldn't agree more in it's importance. I managed to knock a stag over with flow yesterday . But you can have the perfect flow, with too little blue photons and the corals won't grow! (I know the reverse is true also)