Good morning! Yuck, I found some bubble algae in the BioCube yesterday. I hate that stuff. Fortunately, it's a small tank and I was able to take out the plug/rock and get it off with tweezers, scrub a bit, rinse with RO water, put the plug/rock back in the tank. I have a tiny emerald crab in there. I may need to give it a friend.
good morning, had fun, having fun, and fully expect to be having fun later. thought i would share. the trick to cooling down with warm pool water is to get right out and find some shade to sit in til you dry then repeat.
Good Morning, and happy independence day!
A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Good morning. Well yesterday was not how I was planning to spend hours of my day. Narrowed my heater problem down to the heater itself. Had an old extra one in the closet so installed it for now and ordered a new heater element. A few minutes later Apex is sending notifications again! My whole tank was dead this time. Since I just installed the old backup heater I figured that must be bad. Took it out and reset everything but still no power. After process of elimination by plugging things into a different outlet I figured it out. It fried my Trip Lite Isobar. So glad I have that on my tank and everything plugged into it otherwise it could have fried all my equipment. Guess it did it’s job!! Ordered a new one of those too and went to LFS for a new backup heater. They don’t have the Finnex 800 watt heater elements bars I use so got a 500watt Ehiem heater for backup until my new heater comes in next week. It is just hanging inside the tank cause it is too long to put in the sump. Everything is running again but no surge protection right now. It will be here today. I highly recommend one of these as they are so much better protection than the other so called surge protection power bars. More expensive but so worth it! Before I had one of these my red dragon return pump controller was fried due to a power outage and surge. Someone else recommend these to me. So glad I got it!