I've been reorganizing my aquarium stand. I felt like the sump needed a cleaner look. I was thinking of going for the Fiji-30 Advanced Reef Sump. It has a nice look to it and has a fuge chamber. The problem with the sump is that I have a fleece roller, but I might be able to get it into the sock chamber with some modifications. Does anyone have this sump? How big is the sock chamber exactly? Also is the sock holder glued in? Another thing I'm worried about is will this cause another cycle? I have lots of media that I can easily transfer to the new sump and a refugium with some live rock and cheato that I can move too. My current sump is 48 inches in length and the Fiji is 30 inches in length, I will be losing 18 inches of water. Will this cause any problems? While I'm at it, I am going to change my soft plumbing to hard plumbing. Any suggestions of what I should do or suggestions on sumps. I kind of like the look of the cubed sumps. Thank you.