Flame Angel Ich????


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Ok. So I dosed the first copper dose directly to the quarantine. Oops? You're saying that when I go to do a water change, I should dose the new water first then add it to the tank? Sounds straight forward. Hypothetically, if I wasn't going to do a water change in 2 days, would it be fine to dose the tank directly again? Or is that improper practice?

It's fine to dose the tank directly. Just pour the proper amount in a "high flow" area so it gets dispersed quickly.

Yes, you want to dose the new water with copper to keep the levels from lowering when you add in the new water after a water change. Keeping the copper levels at therapeutic levels at all times during the 30 days is key.
Aaron Davis

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It's fine to dose the tank directly. Just pour the proper amount in a "high flow" area so it gets dispersed quickly.

Yes, you want to dose the new water with copper to keep the levels from lowering when you add in the new water after a water change. Keeping the copper levels at therapeutic levels at all times during the 30 days is key.
Sorry. I know I'm super needy. Lol. 30 days? This stuff says to add another dose in 48 hours. Then test to see if the levels for copper are at 0.5 and leave them there for 14 days. Is the initial time between the 14 and 30 an observation period to make sure the fish are cured? When I dose again and test, what if the copper levels aren't at 0.5? What then? Apologies again. I'm out of my comfort zone and I'm playing catch up. I started running with this whole hobby. Lol

I also take it that I shouldn't do top offs on the quarantine? Or should i also pretreat the top off water?


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Sorry. I know I'm super needy. Lol. 30 days? This stuff says to add another dose in 48 hours. Then test to see if the levels for copper are at 0.5 and leave them there for 14 days. Is the initial time between the 14 and 30 an observation period to make sure the fish are cured? When I dose again and test, what if the copper levels aren't at 0.5? What then? Apologies again. I'm out of my comfort zone and I'm playing catch up. I started running with this whole hobby. Lol

I also take it that I shouldn't do top offs on the quarantine? Or should i also pretreat the top off water?

You will keep the copper levels at therapeutic levels for a full 30 days. I would suggest raising the levels slower than the bottle describes. Try taking the whole amount they prescribe for your tank size and dividing that by 4. Dose that amount every day and test each time. If you aren't quite there yet, dose a little more and test again. The 30 days don't start until you hit .5.

You do need to top off your QT since we want the salinity to stay consistent in there for the fish. You won't need to dose the top off water with copper though. That's just plain old RODI water.
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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You will keep the copper levels at therapeutic levels for a full 30 days. I would suggest raising the levels slower than the bottle describes. Try taking the whole amount they prescribe for your tank size and dividing that by 4. Dose that amount every day and test each time. If you aren't quite there yet, dose a little more and test again. The 30 days don't start until you hit .5.

You do need to top off your QT since we want the salinity to stay consistent in there for the fish. You won't need to dose the top off water with copper though. That's just plain old RODI water.
Perfect! Thanks! ;)
Aaron Davis

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@melypr1985 real quick. I just got my test kit. I tested the hospital tank and it showed around .3 on the copper. I just topped it off. How would I measure out how much more to treat to reach .5? Should I just add a couple drops everyday until I get to that point of .5? Then once I'm there, I shouldn't have to dose anymore copper unless I do a water change; at which point I would treat the new water ahead of time. The top off doesn't need treated because the copper won't evaporate. Same reason you don't add salt to the top off water correct? So a couple drops each day would be safe yeah? Super paranoid about killing my guys.
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Or is the process I asked to come after I do the second dose of copper tomorrow? Only if I don't reach a level of .5. ;)

To be safe, cut the second dose in half. Do one tonight and one tomorrow. Testing an hour after each to be sure you don't over-shoot the target. You should get there by then.

As long as you don't have anything in the tank that will absorb the copper (live rock, sand, plastic ect) then you are correct, you shouldn't need to dose the qt again until you do a water change... and yes, you are correct again to dose the new water before adding it.
Aaron Davis

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To be safe, cut the second dose in half. Do one tonight and one tomorrow. Testing an hour after each to be sure you don't over-shoot the target. You should get there by then.

As long as you don't have anything in the tank that will absorb the copper (live rock, sand, plastic ect) then you are correct, you shouldn't need to dose the qt again until you do a water change... and yes, you are correct again to dose the new water before adding it.

Hm. So the second dose calls for 20 drops. You're saying I should do 10 tonight, test in an hour, then the same tomorrow. Unless I hit .5 at that time. I do have two pieces of PVC in the tank to provide a place for the angel and clown to be. They got a little aggressive with one another. I also have a very small amount of sand in one corner of the tank for the blenny. Should I take the sand out? Would the blenny be alright without it since he burrows.

I attached an image of my quarantine. The live rock has been removed from previous info you gave me. The sand and pvc are still there.
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View attachment 490006

Hm. So the second dose calls for 20 drops. You're saying I should do 10 tonight, test in an hour, then the same tomorrow. Unless I hit .5 at that time. I do have two pieces of PVC in the tank to provide a place for the angel and clown to be. They got a little aggressive with one another. I also have a very small amount of sand in one corner of the tank for the blenny. Should I take the sand out? Would the blenny be alright without it since he burrows.

I attached an image of my quarantine. The live rock has been removed from previous info you gave me. The sand and pvc are still there.

Yes. That small amount of sand shouldn't effect the copper levels much. You can keep it in there, but you will have to test regularly to be sure the copper levels aren't dropping.
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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Yes. That small amount of sand shouldn't effect the copper levels much. You can keep it in there, but you will have to test regularly to be sure the copper levels aren't dropping.
Great. Thanks a ton again. (Insert Yoda voice) Quality help you provide!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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@Aaron Davis A 10 gal should work, but you're going to have to keep a very close eye on ammonia. I suggest picking up a Seachem ammonia alert badge for active monitoring.

Also, the LR & sand will absorb some of the copper and make it difficult to maintain a stable concentration. So I suggest using something like an Aquaclear 50 HOB for biological filtration instead.

I've had a large yellow tang spike the annomia (10 gallon) in only 2 days without feeding. Best secret is testing, Amquel and water changes. :)
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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Alright. In need of some more help. Just got home. All my fish in my quarantine appeared fine last night before I left for work. Got home just know and my flame angel's color was off. Head of the fish was VERY pale. Clown fish is laying in the pvc hardly moving. Blenny looks a little pale too. Wrasse looks fine. Just did a water change about 5 days ago. Checked all the levels last night. All looked fine. Ammonia alert is in the tank and has been for 2 weeks. Shows no warning. The copper level has been maintained at .4 to .5. Salinity is at a .126. What am I missing here? It looks like these guys are going to die. Infuriates me!


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If the tank is dark, most fish will lose color at night. That's normal. I would do a water change (because that never hurts) and see how they look when the lights are on.
Top Shelf Aquatics
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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They don't look just color changed from darkness. They look sick. My flame angel has a some bite marks from my clown and one of his fins are almost all gone from being attacked. His head was a faded pink. ??? I'll do a water change. Hopefully that does help, but they appear sick.


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They don't look just color changed from darkness. They look sick. My flame angel has a some bite marks from my clown and one of his fins are almost all gone from being attacked. His head was a faded pink. ??? I'll do a water change. Hopefully that does help, but they appear sick.

Can you post some pics of the Flame Angel? The discoloration and fin damage could be from a secondary bacterial infection.
Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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It's pretty difficult to get a good picture of him. His left fin is almost non existent. He swims a little sideways. I did notice however; that there is a white spot on his right ride just below his dorsal fin. It's just just a spot. Almost like a lump with a white top. His also has a couple scales that look slightly bubbled? If it is a secondary bacterial thing, what do I do? Melafix? Can I do that with copper? The white spot can be seen on the first image. It's just past his 3rd stripe on the little black mark between his 3rd and 4th stripe. Its definitely a lump. It's hard to tell his fin is super damaged. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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