Fish suddenly dying, please HELP!

Jay Hemdal

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Jul 31, 2020
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Dundee, MI
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@Jay Hemdal, would love your thoughts here. I'm seeing so much improvement in my tank. And, I'm seeing some oddities with my Midas Blenny.

Quick recap...
  • Noticed black ich on my bristeltooth tang about 2 weeks ago. He was also noticeably paler in color, not as active, not interested in food.
  • Was finally able to secure PraziPro beginning of last week. Dosed just over 2 ounces (55 mL) on Tuesday, 11/22 to my 225g system (which is probably less than 225 gallons when accounting for rock, sand, and equipment in it). We can call this Day 1.
  • Had planned to do a second dose on Day 8 but could see a few fish flashing so dosed another 55 mL on Sunday, 11/27 (Day 6).
  • Dosed a third dose yesterday (Day 8).
I have seen significant improvement in the tank. The tang does not have any visible flukes on it anymore although there are marks on his body where some flukes used to be. However, it appears those spots are healing. His attitude has improved significantly and he is actively eating and cleaning the rock/back wall.

The wrasses that were flashing are no longer flashing. All the other fish are more active and present in the water column...prior to starting this most of them were harassing my red shrimp asking to be cleaned almost non-stop. They could care less about the shrimp now. Everyone seems to have a good appetite.

My Midas Blenny has been....odd. He had been spending quite a bit of time at the top of the water column through this adventure. I never saw him gasping for air and he readily devoured food. It didn't appear to me like he was breathing particularly heavy, but it was noticeably odd behavior. Additionally, he was one of the fish who was routinely flashing the rocks and sand.

Today he is not swimming at the top of the water, rather he's more active in the middle. He ate this morning like normal. However, I noticed two odd things - (1) he doesn't seem to be using his right pectoral fin and (2) I can see little white things attached to his body which I hadn't really noticed before. Here's a little video I just took of him:

I do not see the white things on any other fish and everyone else seems happier than they have been in two weeks.

A bit of background on the LFS have adopted the HumbleFish 30-day prophylactic QT method. He went through the entire thing including copper and prazi. All of my fish other than the Blenny have come from QT vendors like TSM Aquatics, Dr Reef, and Strikers though I suspect a naso tang from TSM brought the flukes with him (he died 5 days after arrival and less than 2 weeks later my bristletooth developed the black ich).

Anyway, what do you think?
I can’t say for certain but the issue with the Midas seems to be a physical issue from an injury….there aren’t any communicable diseases that show symptoms like that.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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