Fish Stocking List for 60 Gallon Breeder


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Aug 7, 2024
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Hey, all. I’ve been looking at which fish I can get for my 60 gallon breeder. I’ve made a list of fish others on this site stocked their 60 gallon breeders with. This list contains the fish that caught my eye the most from most to least.

*One Spot Foxface
*Scopus Tang
*Clownfish Pair (Not sure which type of clownfish)
*McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
*Melanurus Wrasse
*Engineer Goby
*Cardinal fish

My favorite picks here are the one spot Foxface and the scoops tang, not sure if both can fit in this tank but if I’d have to choose one it’d be the Foxface. I chose the rest based off of their looks except for the melanurus that I might need to eat worms.

I’d just like to know what the best combinations with some of these fish are. Any other advice or fish recommendations are appreciated as well!

For reference, my sand is about 1 inch deep. I used 60lbs of caribsea live sand. I’m currently running a large hob filter but I’m going to upgrade to a sump and hob overflow soon. The tank’s dimensions are 48.5 x 18.5 x 16 in.
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Hey, all. I’ve been looking at which fish I can get for my 60 gallon breeder. I’ve made a list of fish others on this site stocked their 60 gallon breeders with. This list contains the fish that caught my eye the most from most to least.

*One Spot Foxface
*Scopus Tang
*Clownfish Pair (Not sure which type of clownfish)
*McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
*Melanurus Wrasse
*Engineer Goby
*Cardinal fish

My favorite picks here are the one spot Foxface and the scoops tang, not sure if both can fit in this tank but if I’d have to choose one it’d be the Foxface. I chose the rest based off of their looks except for the melanurus that I might need to eat worms.

I’d just like to know what the best combinations with some of these fish are. Any other advice or fish recommendations are appreciated as well!

For reference, my sand is about 1 inch deep. I used 60lbs of caribsea live sand. I’m currently running a large hob filter but I’m going to upgrade to a sump and hob overflow soon. The tank’s dimensions are 48.5 x 18.5 x 16 in.
The scopas can get quite large and the recommended minimum is 100 gallons. Kole tangs stay much smaller and would probably be more suited to a 60. Foxface is probably fine, just try to start with one that is already on the smaller side.

I would stay away from larger/more aggressive clown species like maroon, tomato, clarkii, spotcinctus, etc. Best bets for a peaceful tank are gonna be percula, ocellaris, or skunks but there are dozens of varieties of these you shouldn't have a problem finding one you like

Both the wrasses should be fine, just make sure you have a really solid lid!

Personally, I would steer clear of an engineer in a tank that size, it will throw sand everywhere. Fighting conchs, pearly jawfish, cucumbers, twinspot goby, or a sand sifting starfish are better options.

I would definitely upgrade to the sump system before getting any fish except the clowns and sand crew. The bigger fish create too much waste for the HOB to handle and the wrasses ideally should be fed multiple times a day which also creates a lot of waste for the filter