Fish stocking ideas for 32 gallon fish only tank!


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Apr 13, 2024
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Hello everyone!

Im starting to get my stocking list together, I went ahead and made a list of fish I find attractive, but I don't have an actual stocking list yet, my tank is a fish only 32 gal.

- scissortail dartfish
- royal gramma
- firefish
- neon dottyback
- saddle valentini puffer
- diamondback goby
- clown goby
- pistol shrimp w/ pink bar goby or yasha goby

(If I get the shrimp goby pair can I also keep the diamond back in the same tank? I know the pink bar and yasha would fight over the shrimp so I can only get one of the two. I saw the goby can get into a sand spitting fight with some other fish, initially I thought that was really cute but are the fish actually fighting or can I have multiple sand spitters - if spitting sand is how they play can someone recommend a pair of fish that like to do that)

These fish I'm not sure if I can fit in a 32 gal:
- Coral Beauty
- Anthias (I saw this really pretty pinkish red color)
- flasher wrasse

I tried to pick mostly beginner fish and I believe most of the fish are peaceful? I also tried to pick out fish that occupy different sections of the water column. I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks!
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