Hi there, I’m new to this forum! I just recently got into the saltwater hobby and ordered my first aquarium, the Fluval evo 13.5. I’ve been planning to setup the aquarium as a mixed reef aquarium with LPS and softies as well as a couple fish, maybe a pair of clowns! I’ve decided to go with live rock, I understand the potential drawbacks but there are also a lot of benefits to it and I would like to have my aquarium to be as close to a natural reef aquarium as possible! With that being said, I’m stuck on what type of sand to get! I was leaning towards fine sand because I’ve read that it is preferred by CUCs and with the corals I plan on keeping, the flow in my aquarium would not be high and should not distrust the fine sand too much! But I wanted to hear everyone’s opinion and the benefits and drawbacks to fine sand, coarse sand, and crushed coral gravel!