Feeding Lettuce


40B Knasty

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No one can really digest cellulose... but still we eat it and derive nutrition from it.
Dear lord we are still talking about lettuce.. We are not fish. Not even close to fish. Fish are not humans. Not even close. There is no comparing at all. What our bodies and their bodies do are not even close. Do you see us finding the needs to eat algae even though we can find nutrients from it. No.. Give them what they eat. Not what we eat. Can we at least digest that into our brains. Yes! Yay, no more lettuce talk woooo!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Dear lord we are still talking about lettuce.. We are not fish. Not even close to fish. Fish are not humans. Not even close. There is no comparing at all. What our bodies and their bodies do are not even close. Do you see us finding the needs to eat algae even though we can find nutrients from it. No.. Give them what they eat. Not what we eat. Can we at least digest that into our brains. Yes! Yay, no more lettuce talk woooo!

What about cabbage?


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I'm not gonna beat my views on anyone tbh.
I just don't feel comfortable feeding my fish lettuce.
But hey I gotta say one thing about humans eating seaweed it has loads of omega 3 and 6's that is really beneficial for us so maybe it can go both way but until I have concrete evidence it benefits the fish I will not bother on messing with lettuce.
Nutramar Foods

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Dear lord we are still talking about lettuce.. We are not fish. Not even close to fish. Fish are not humans. Not even close. There is no comparing at all. What our bodies and their bodies do are not even close. Do you see us finding the needs to eat algae even though we can find nutrients from it. No.. Give them what they eat. Not what we eat. Can we at least digest that into our brains. Yes! Yay, no more lettuce talk woooo!

This is just a conversation on the topic of lettuce, why are you being like that? Don't participate if you don't want to talk about the topic of the thread. Sheesh!


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What about cabbage?
Cabbage is awesome for us but my concern is if they can digest it.
Rabbits and a few other animals can digest veggies very well fish not so much not as much as they can with seaweed.
That the only reason I shy away from it.
I think boiling it and making sure it organic would help in eliminating any problems.
People been feeding cucumber and other veggie to freshwater fish for sometime also I have some otocinclus catfish I would supplement if I was out of algae with the aboved mention.
And it always recommended to boil it so they can eat it easier maybe it aides in their digestion also.
I doubt it we both lack the enzymes to digest it properly.

40B Knasty

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This is just a conversation on the topic of lettuce, why are you being like that? Don't participate if you don't want to talk about the topic of the thread. Sheesh!
You quoted me and you did it again. I clicked unwatch thread awhile ago, but keep getting pulled back into it. So please do me the favor and don't quote me. So it is me saying sheeessh right now. You are the one that keeps poking the bear. Why? Wait please don't answer that. I am not trying to push common sense about lettuce to be eaten by a fish. I am saying stop comparing us to fish. That I can push. We can eat hot peppers. Do we feed our fish it. No. Unless you truly hate your fish. Same with lettuce. Someone said a great reason not to. I said that would stop me. I can't change what other people do. Otherwise a tang would never see a tank less than 120g, but they do. Common sense don't put one in any less. Can it be done yes. Is it smart to do. No. Same goes for lettuce. I feed what is approved and right for my fish. I said thanks laga777 for the great fact. I moved on. I was tempted to get an angel or a tang. Using lettuce for maybe another treat, but it is not a treat given the info to be had in the conversation when it was one.


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You quoted me and you did it again. I clicked unwatch thread awhile ago, but keep getting pulled back into it. So please do me the favor and don't quote me. So it is me saying sheeessh right now. You are the one that keeps poking the bear. Why? Wait please don't answer that. I am not trying to push common sense about lettuce to be eaten by a fish. I am saying stop comparing us to fish. That I can push. We can eat hot peppers. Do we feed our fish it. No. Unless you truly hate your fish. Same with lettuce. Someone said a great reason not to. I said that would stop me. I can't change what other people do. Otherwise a tang would never see a tank less than 120g, but they do. Common sense don't put one in any less. Can it be done yes. Is it smart to do. No. Same goes for lettuce. I feed what is approved and right for my fish. I said thanks laga777 for the great fact. I moved on. I was tempted to get an angel or a tang. Using lettuce for maybe another treat, but it is not a treat given the info to be had in the conversation when it was one.



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If we use terrestrial origin vodka dosing, vinegar, milk, honey, vitamins, in the water they drink -- without their consent -- what harm can a little lettuce do if they CHOOSE TO eat it? Marine fish are smarter enough to spit out what they don't like or what's inedible. I've seen them gobble up octopus poop but spit out other fish's poop. There's ”natural” or "evolved" behavior for ya!

40B Knasty

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I had a Scottish Terrier for 15 years. My dad fed it a bowl of ice cream and chocolate everyday pretty much and he loved Jack Daniels on the rocks. Did he live a long time absolutely! He ate and drank it, because that is what put in front of his face. They do not know better. Plus he ate other dog's poop. Moral of the story. Don't do the wrong thing even though you THINK it is making it happy.


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The animals in our care are in closed systems. We aren't able to fully replicate their diets in the wild, nor the frequency in which they feed. They are 'stuck' with what we put in their tank. Soley using nori to replicate grazing needs leaves a hole in their nutrition. Terrestrial plants, though not to replace nori, can be used as a supplement to cover some of these nutritional deficiencies.


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The animals in our care are in closed systems. We aren't able to fully replicate their diets in the wild, nor the frequency in which they feed. They are 'stuck' with what we put in their tank. Soley using nori to replicate grazing needs leaves a hole in their nutrition. Terrestrial plants, though not to replace nori, can be used as a supplement to cover some of these nutritional deficiencies.
Frozen food like Brine and Mysis shrimp along with spirulina flakes mixed with a high quality flake pretty much round out a good diet for a Tang.
Like mentioned before seaweeds are digested better so they receive more nutrients from it than any greens you feed them from your fridge.
Cellulose in land plants passes through with less absorption in the intestines which they would have to eat tons more of it just to get those tiny little extras from the Vitamins missing from the seaweed.

The Omega Fatty Acids are more beneficial than tiny bit of Vitamin C and K seaweed is missing depending on the species of algae they're eating of course.
So for me it comes down to digestion and I feel seaweed digests better than land plants even though they have to graze just about all day.

Lettuce as a treat pointless unless you like to feed it for ***** and giggles it would take everyday grazing to make a different in supplement everyone arguing.
Then by doing this your taking away the more beneficial option that seaweed offers.
Nutramar Foods


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Frozen food like Brine and Mysis shrimp along with spirulina flakes mixed with a high quality flake pretty much round out a good diet for a Tang.
Like mentioned before seaweeds are digested better so they receive more nutrients from it than any greens you feed them from your fridge.
Cellulose in land plants passes through with less absorption in the intestines which they would have to eat tons more of it just to get those tiny little extras from the Vitamins missing from the seaweed.

The Omega Fatty Acids are more beneficial than tiny bit of Vitamin C and K seaweed is missing depending on the species of algae they're eating of course.
So for me it comes down to digestion and I feel seaweed digests better than land plants even though they have to graze just about all day.

Lettuce as a treat pointless unless you like to feed it for ***** and giggles it would take everyday grazing to make a different in supplement everyone arguing.
Then by doing this your taking away the more beneficial option that seaweed offers.
Actually flake food is very nutritionally deficient.

Relying heavily on protein rich foods, such as brine and mysis is also detrimental to the health of herbivores. And, unless the brine shrimp is fortified in some way, it is actually devoid of much nutritional value.

Also being overlooked is that most Acanthuriidae fish have a gizzard like organ to help break down 'harder to digest foods'.

Cellulose being difficult to break down can actually be an aid to fish in captivity, since their inability to graze nonstop limits feeding opportunities, it allows foods eaten after the cellulose rich foods to stay in the digestive tract longer. Cellulose also can help keep digestive tracts clean and healthy.

The freshness should also be taken into consideration, as time and handling have an affect on the vitamins and nutrients. So fresh, but nutritionally less desireable foods may have more value than dried out foods that are stored longer.

Another thing, nori has high nutritional value and is easily digestible, but it is not nutritionally complete. So relying on as a staple is good, but it still needs to be supplemented.


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Actually flake food is very nutritionally deficient.

Another thing, nori has high nutritional value and is easily digestible, but it is not nutritionally complete. So relying on as a staple is good, but it still needs to be supplemented.

Flake also contains preservatives and antioxidants which can be toxic to fish

That is why I pull cheato and caulerpa from my sumps and feed it directly to the fish. Julian Sprungs brand makes dried seaweed in different types. Green, purple, and red are available for even more natural variety.


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And potatoes have loads of carbs but you justify that. Y'all lack any common sense my god.
High quality flakes like spirulina good to supplement and good in a rotation of variety in which we were talking.
Proteins are good in the rotation.


Fish Nerd
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And potatoes have loads of carbs but you justify that. Y'all lack any common sense my god.
High quality flakes like spirulina good to supplement and good in a rotation of variety in which we were talking.
Proteins are good in the rotation.
So flakes, which have high ash content which isn't digestible or used in any manner should be in the rotation, but fresh lettuce, which has nondegraded vitamins and mineral should not? Common sense indeed.

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