Thanks for sharing the A. muricata/regeneration paper! I have lots of questions about that paper, starting with lower irradiance/zoox densities. This is contrary to many observations. To be honest, I've given that reference only a cursory review but it makes me wonder if untested parameters are in play?
I will give it a re-read and see if any more thoughts are jogged with that in mind.
But when I read that article, it seemed to jibe so well with this one that it triggered an "A-hah!" in my brain:
Is the coral-algae symbiosis really ‘mutually beneficial’ for the partners?
This was my last note to myself on it after reading:
Fast growth is just another factor to consider and account for, not necessarily a sign of success or health per se.
Photosynthesis is not something they do without cost or even without stress. Higher light is
"So is more really (automatically, presumably) better?" is the question that has been rolling around in my head since at least then.
So it at least seemed to add up.