This is a great list! Thanks for putting this together. There were quite a few that I weren't even aware of listed. You can probably also add C. Joculator to the E list. It might be cool to do a poll, just to see which dwarf angels people are keeping on this forum to see which are more popular that way too.I would like your experiences / opinions on which of the Centropyge / Paracentropyge angels are the most popular. This is for data-gathering purposes and meant to be fun. I will give mine (A most, D least, E borderline unobtainable / unobtainable):
Coral Beauty (C. Bispinosa)
Flame (C. Loricula)
African Flameback (C. Acanthops)
Brazilian Flameback (C. Aurantonotus)- if it was more readily available
Atlantic Cherub (C. Argi)
Potter’s (C. Potteri)
Multi-Bar (P. Multifasciata)
Purple Masked (P. Venusta)
Japanese Dwarf (C. Interrupta)- if not for the price
Golden (C. Aurantia)
Lemonpeel (C. Flavissima)
Bicolor (C. Bicolor)
Eibli (C. Eibli)
Multicolor (C. Multicolor)
Colin’s (C. Colini)
Rusty (C. Ferrugata)
Fisher’s (C. Fisheri)
Pacific Pygmy (C. Flavicauda)
Herald’s (C. Heraldi)
Keyhole (C. Tibicen)
Multi-Spined (C. Multispinus)
Yellow Fin (C. Flavipectoralis)
Half-Black (C. Vrolikii)
Midnight (C. Nox
Peppermint (P. Boylei)
Narcosis (C. Narcosis)
Easter Island (C. Hotumatua)
Resplendent (C. Resplendens)- for sure an A if available
Deborah’s (C. Deborae)- new species, have seen a few listed for sale in Hong Kong but no one seems to have this species
Cream (C. Nigrocella)
Nahackyi (C. Nahackyi)
Mauritius Blue (C. Debelius)
Hard to place:
Shephard’s (C. Shepardi)- is it a legit species? Or does it simply represent multi-generational hybridization between the Flame and Rusty?
The Flame could be S-tier (for those of you familiar with Japanese video game rankings), for many it’s the icon for Centropyge.
Andrew Sandler’s had a pair of Narcosis for over a decade. There’s a couple Japanese hobbyists with long-lived Peppermints and one guy with a Debelius for over a decade. It does seem lots of rare species make it to Japan more often than North America / Europe.