hi everyone! figured this would be fun, randomly drop the last photo you took of your tank and write a short description of what / why you took that photo.
here’s our ‘baby watchman’ after two days of ‘hiding.’ lol
Last photo was the pinnatus because friends wanted to see how big he'd gotten. Compared to the first photo of him. Pictures are 10 months apart. In the top picture he's 10" top to bottom fin.
hi everyone! figured this would be fun, randomly drop the last photo you took of your tank and write a short description of what / why you took that photo.
here’s our ‘baby watchman’ after two days of ‘hiding.’ lol
@PeterC99 As long as you feed it food for the size of mouth, pretty good. I started him out on baby brine shrimp hatched every day,as he grew grated shrimp from the grocery store and now just thin slices of shrimp meat.
He's never bothered my toadstool coral or any of the inverts. Actually a very passive peaceful fish. So I wouldn't put him in a tank with any aggressive fish.
Unfortunately this is the last tank picture I took on Saturday to send to my tank manufacturer. Does not look good for being set up October 2019. Only 65 gallons