I have four fish that I have been quarantining for about a month. 3 green chromis and 1 molly miller blenny. Everything has been fine for 3 weeks but yesterday I saw two of the chromis ganging up on the third one. Then this morning I found that the third guy had jumped through a tiny hole in the lid and died. The most aggressive chromis than was nipping at the other chromis so I put the guy getting picked on into a macro algae tank I have. I went from 4 fish quarantining to go into the display tank to two fish, an aggressive green chromis and a molly miller blenny.
what should I have done? separate the quarantine tank? keep them separated and only put one in the display tank? which one, the dominant one? (which might be good because the only fish in the display tank at the moment is an aggressive clown fish.
what should I have done? separate the quarantine tank? keep them separated and only put one in the display tank? which one, the dominant one? (which might be good because the only fish in the display tank at the moment is an aggressive clown fish.