Correct.. if you get a scratch in poly you’re not gonna get it out.. you have 2 choices a flame “ugly” and a solvent to melt the plastic “ugly again” it can’t be sanded down with micro mesh or a fine wet sand and polished out.. it will to a extend but it’s distorted and swirly it will never look factory again it’s impossible to get a clear glassy look. It’s very easy to polish acrylic out to a glass finish with zero swirls.I believe what troylee is saying is it is not possible to sand the polycarbonate. To get it optically smooth, you will need a special process. You can buff out small scratches but you will need to treat the polycarbonate with heat or chemicle to get the clarity such as used for RX glasses or sunglasses. Most poly and Acrylic scratch repair and such is a buffer/filler that fills in the gap. Rx glasses most have UV protection added to them. Acrylic and polycarbonate get mixed up quite a bit. Even I get confused. Was looking up video to polish. Outside of flame, vaporing, or solvent, i did not see anything that actually buff clarity with sanding for poly. Only acrylic. I could still be wrong but yet to fimd.