Curbing aggression towards new additions



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Feb 27, 2021
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TL;DR loss of fish brings issue of peaceful additions near aggressive six-lined wrasse, how do I deal with the aggressor? Is it better to rid myself of it?
Hello all, I recently have run into an issue where I am attempting to add a late addition to my tank after the loss of two flame angels (not added at the same time, Parameters were fine, acclimation went fairly well and fish seemed fine for most of a day, no aggression towards fish, no other explanation from lfs either so we can only really chalk it up to a run of bad luck). My tank is a 55 and I have been looking for something red. After some research and viewing of opinions, I decided on a wrasse while putting my 6-line on timeout as several people and 2 lfs thought it would work. Lfs employee didn’t like that idea and was strongly implying not selling me the fish either way despite another employee saying it should work out fine. So now I am left with the question of whether it would have worked. What are your methods of curbing new fish aggression? Any other recommendations for red fish are appreciated as well. Current stocking is 2 cardinals, 2 clowns, 1 goby and pistol shrimp, 1 six lined wrasse, 1 fusilier damsel (used to have 3 but aggressive wrasse), 1 gold Midas blenny. Last addition is what I am thinking.

p.s. Please don’t attempt to beat me up for thinking something you deem “stupid” like what I proposed with the wrasses as multiple stores/people have said it would have worked and I have only been here a year.

i cant think

Wrasse Addict
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Sep 1, 2021
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as for how I curb aggression, I will often use the mirror trick, if that doesn’t work I will feed the fish (Often gets the tang distracted due to him knowing there is plenty of food for them all), or isolation. I have never had to use the isolation step, the mirror step came in help when adjusting the older fish to the tilefish (The tang and some of the wrasses are close to their 2 year mark with me).

As for should you rid yourself of the six line, if it’s a 55g you can do so if you don’t like the colour but like the pest eating ability. With the ability of pest eating, you can grab some smaller Halichoeres (Iridis, chrysus, cosmetus ect…).

Red fish?
Flasher/Fairy Wrasses,
Radiant Wrasse
Red Lined Wrasse
Peppermint angelfish (I’m kidding, unless you have a cold water tank and want to break the bank)
Ruby red dragonet
Red firefish
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Drink more fishwater there! And I still want more!
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Nov 7, 2017
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Nashville TN
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TL;DR loss of fish brings issue of peaceful additions near aggressive six-lined wrasse, how do I deal with the aggressor? Is it better to rid myself of it?
Hello all, I recently have run into an issue where I am attempting to add a late addition to my tank after the loss of two flame angels (not added at the same time, Parameters were fine, acclimation went fairly well and fish seemed fine for most of a day, no aggression towards fish, no other explanation from lfs either so we can only really chalk it up to a run of bad luck). My tank is a 55 and I have been looking for something red. After some research and viewing of opinions, I decided on a wrasse while putting my 6-line on timeout as several people and 2 lfs thought it would work. Lfs employee didn’t like that idea and was strongly implying not selling me the fish either way despite another employee saying it should work out fine. So now I am left with the question of whether it would have worked. What are your methods of curbing new fish aggression? Any other recommendations for red fish are appreciated as well. Current stocking is 2 cardinals, 2 clowns, 1 goby and pistol shrimp, 1 six lined wrasse, 1 fusilier damsel (used to have 3 but aggressive wrasse), 1 gold Midas blenny. Last addition is what I am thinking.

p.s. Please don’t attempt to beat me up for thinking something you deem “stupid” like what I proposed with the wrasses as multiple stores/people have said it would have worked and I have only been here a year.
I actually Introduced a strawberry dottyback. Hoping it wouldn’t be aggressive. Instantly when introduced my clown, filefish and only surviving chromis had a stare down. After a couple of days I noticed it was being a bully to my red head goby and chromis. I soon after introduced a tailspot goby and 3 Anthia’s. Amazing enough the new additions grouped together and calmed down the strawberry dotty. The chromis hangs with the 3 Anthia’s all day with the tail spot and clown joining in every now and then. The strawberry looks at them jealously as they swim in the current. The strawberry stills swims around the whole tank but the left side is his with the clown. The tail spot still keeps the Anthia’s and chromis away from his cave but still buddies.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%