Crystal clear water without carbon



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guys I'm a new reefer and don't know much about science of the hobby. I dont understand why you guys (some) criticizes roberto when all he's doing is sharing his experience with new stuff he's trying even dough they have been in the market for years. as per randy I can see his point of view as a scientist and I don't believed he was criticizing Roberto, I think you guys should just give your opinion on the forum instead if talking about other reefers good experiences. Like someone said what can work for some may not work for others. I have read so many forums and try to adjust but adjusting a lot of times is costly and reading what Roberto did sounds like $42 is cheap and something that I can try.

now going to my question Roberto: can you give me a little run how you mix them together or how are they in you little fishes 150 reactor?


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I ran for two years with a filter sock and good skimmer. No chemical media at all.

If you've got a good skimmer.
Try the KZ Coral Snow :)
Nutramar Foods


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<<t has 20 gal, Tunze DOC 9001 skimmer, one box of Marine Pure biomedia balls. No sump, no refugium. The tank has 7 green chromis, one yellow tang, one powder blue tang and one emperor angel.>>

Did I read this correctly--you have all these fish in a 20 gallon tank?


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hey robink can you explain why do I see a lot of reefers putting their new acquired corals in this acrylic stand along thing instead of the rock or sand? thanks!
I put them on the sand when I first get them for about a week and then onto the frag rack so I can move it up gradually( to acclimate the corals to the lighting) to middle of tank or above and then I put the corals on the rock.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Isn't Purigen an Aluminum based product? I used to use this until my Triton tests revealed elevated Aluminum levels. I couldn't find anything else in the hobby that used Aluminum, so I discontinued using it. Over time and many poly filters later it finally dropped off. I would stay away from this stuff personally.


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Just an FYI it's not groundbreaking to strip your water to 0 across the board.

It's great you want to share your experience with these products but I think I echo other Reefers in that your method may "work" for you but it's not necessarily needed. People are allowed to disagree with you and if Randy is posting in your thread he is trying to help and tell the truth about the product and why it's not necessarily needed. I don't believe he is saying your wrong for using it just that the better option is probably to not use it.

I can honestly say I've never strived for crystal clear water in my reef tank ( freshwater maybe) as I'm more Into watching my corals and fish than worried about how clear the water is. Properly maintained mechanical filtration and properly sized equipment is key In my opinion.

I have clear water as well and only have filter socks ( changed every two to three days religiously) and a properly sized skimmer along with a lot of Surface area for Biological activity ( siporax / bio plates). I dont have to change out anything except a filter sock and clean a skimmer cup along with my normal maintenance routine. Randomly I will add Rox if I remember to or want to but really don't notice it when I do. Diy nopox for N&P.

I'm not going to post my numbers cause It really doesn't matter but I can assure you my well fed fish and colorful colonies in my new three year old system are not complaining at all. Chasing numbers is not healthy for the tank and striving for 0 N&P in the quest for "crystal clear water" is even worse.

I'm not bashing you really I'm not I just don't think in 5 years you will really care about all these items you think are helping so much cause in the long run a properly built and maintained system just runs and flourishes without groundbreaking polymers etc. That's from 22 years of reefing experience and yes I have tried the items you have except for the nitrate media and it's all sitting on the shelf with the other products I figured out I dont need.
Nutramar Foods

Randy Holmes-Farley

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Maybe it was Phosguard that I was thinking of.

That's correct. Phosguard is aluminum oxide.

Purigen is an organic polymer. In one place, Seachem claims it is anionic (negatively charged).

" HyperSorb is an ion exchange resin, while Purigen has properties of both a scavenging and ion exchange resin. These products are anionic, so they will adsorb positively charged ions. As for exchange, you will get something as simple as a sodium ion back. This will not harm your system and will not change your water parameters."


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This thread gives me some real uncomfortable feelings. Very much like a roller coaster. Randy isn't being condescending at all. You ask a question, or give a statement, he lets you know. Like he said, he typically replies to incorrect statements or direct questions. This isn't the place for mommy comfort time. All you'll get are facts.

That said, the OP shared his experience about crystal clear water. Of all of that, it's true. No information about phosphate removal was shared. Therefore, getting insight about phosphates and how it might have been ignored was address. Again, not condescendingly. I like to admit my mistakes, I think others should too, it's honorable. Cheers.


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Marine pure is also aluminum. I run some in my sump but since I change 10% of the water every week, I have no concerns about it building up.

Back to HLL I never have experienced it with Rox. 8 but I have seen it with black diamond.

Worst and fastest I've ever seen it was with clearmax.
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Donovan Joannes

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I think when OP said GAC doesn't remove dissolved organic as good as purigen, that triggered the avalanche. I have been using GAC (super cheap in 1 kg bag) as skimmer replacement long enough to tell how good it is. It does clear up water column as well. Some branded GAC removes organic and traces elements so good that people usually lowered the recomended amount to half or much lower.
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Dennis Cartier

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I for one am glad that Randy is around to offer his objective perspective. (that is just fun to say) As I read the OP post I thought "oh no". and then I saw that Randy stepped in to help... whew...relief.
I remember when I started in this hobby and would follow that kind of stuff. Then I found Randys articles. I also found a few other authors that redirected my aquarium misadventures.
Thank you Randy. I appreciate all you do for this hobby. (And as a nurse I appreciate all you have done for many of my patients.) When you debunk the big and small misleading things we read on the interwebs you positively impact our aquarium creatures lives. I think that is pretty awesome.

Here, here. I also agree that Randy's contributions are beyond compare. In fact I have started to frequent this forum more instead of RC where I have spent the last several years, because Randy is posting here now. Many of times I ponder a situation in my tank, come up with a hypothesis as to what is transpiring and then post about it. In those cases where I am flat out wrong, or have posted something that could be detrimental to others, Randy has been good enough to provide a correction or insight as to why this may not be the case. For that I am thankful.

To the OP (Roberto), please don't take offence to constructive input and see it for what it is. A valuable resource.


Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%