Sorry my salinity is 1.025 to 1.026 and has been stable now for a few weeks. The lighting is something that I am considering changing would you have any recommendations for a tank of my sizeFirst is your salinity is high if it is 1.030 SG. Some corals won't care some will depending on how well they acclimate. PO4 of .25 mg/l is ok (some corals are great at much higher levels) but .3 mg/l is the highest corals might see in the wild. .03 is the minimum. I don't worry much about nitrate except to keep it low however seeing it at 0 with PO4 at .25 suggests a nutrient imbalance. Your lighing may not be sufficient for some of your corals, I'd suggest finding a local reef aquarist to maybe look at your system. Here's an article on establishing healthy microbiomes:
Establishing a Healthy Microbiome in a New Aquarium Using Live Rock
About this article This article describes an experiment documenting the effects of live rock in a newly established aquarium. While I’ve tried to tell the story as briefly as I can, it’s the story of a month-long study of replicated tanks, with analysis of both water chemistry and the