Hi guys. I’m trying to achieve the closest to 1:1 ro/di I can get. I’ve got a Aquafx barracuda 100 gpd unit that I’ve added two additional piggyback units bringin my expectation to be 300gpd. When I run my stuff I’m getting like 15glkms over the span of about 3-4 hours. I talked to Aquafx and they were great and first suggested getting a waste flow restrictor and tweaking it along with my pump to get close to 1:1 but we also talked about me living in Michigan and it’s cold as heck right now. Guessing my water going into my ro/dinis close to 40-50 degrees. Now talking to the tech he said production is cut in half with those temps. So that brings me to my next thought. Has anyone ever explored or used an Instant hot device to preheat the water to around 72 to maximize production? If so what’s been your experience? I’m searching for one that you can set the temp to your desired temp so as not to fry my membranes. Does anyone else have any other suggestions to warm or make it more manageable? My wife is not digging out water bill and I know it partly has to be the water production. Thanks for any help