Isolated Reef

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Sep 4, 2018
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Hey all, I’m getting desperate for some answers as my bristletooth tomini tangs health seems to be on a rapid decline. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed a white patch forming on the tang and it looked almost like the consistency of cotton. It started off small and after some research, it seemed to be Lymphocystis which doesn’t have any known cure. I keep an sps reef so I’m constantly staying on top of water quality (it’s as much work as everyone says haha) and I’ve been enriching the food I feed with Selcon and Maxamino. Over the past 4 weeks, it’s seem to have gotten worse and not the spot has patches of red as if it’s becoming infected. On top of that, the tang is barely using its pectoral fin on the infected side of its body. The base of the pectoral fin seems to be inflamed which I’ve never seen before.
My question is, do you guys think it’s just a worsening case of lymphocystis or is it something more? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, it would break my heart to lose this fish. It was one of the first additions and has been a model citizen since day one. Thank you all in advance.

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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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White fuzzy patch generally describes Fungus associated with bacteria. This is a tomini tang and could have been injured and the area turned into a secondary infection. Many factors make a fish more susceptible to infection. First, a cut or open wound is usually required for infection to set in. The majority of bacterial infections seen in established fish are caused by gram positive bacteria. These can mostly be dealt with successfully by the fish’s natural immune system; in fact, in some cases symptoms are barely noticeable.
some other bacterial infections, such as furunculosis, hemorrhagic septicemia, etc., can have varying visible symptoms.
Any redness or open sores/wounds on a fish should be viewed with suspicion. Also, a white film or “fungus” looking growth can denote a bacterial infection. However, these physical symptoms can also mean something entirely different. things you can do to improve the condition of fish are:
Maintaining a proper environment /clean water for your fish to live in
Separating two quarrelling fish before cuts/wounds get serious
Utilizing proper nutrition: nori, foods high in protein such as LRS Herbivore diet, and soaking fish food with vitamin supplements. Selcon vitamins are good.

Utilizing a quarantine tank, some good meds are:
  • Kanamycin ( Seachem Kanaplex)
  • Furan-2
  • Maracyn 2
Isolated Reef

Isolated Reef

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Sep 4, 2018
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White fuzzy patch generally describes Fungus associated with bacteria. This is a tomini tang and could have been injured and the area turned into a secondary infection. Many factors make a fish more susceptible to infection. First, a cut or open wound is usually required for infection to set in. The majority of bacterial infections seen in established fish are caused by gram positive bacteria. These can mostly be dealt with successfully by the fish’s natural immune system; in fact, in some cases symptoms are barely noticeable.
some other bacterial infections, such as furunculosis, hemorrhagic septicemia, etc., can have varying visible symptoms.
Any redness or open sores/wounds on a fish should be viewed with suspicion. Also, a white film or “fungus” looking growth can denote a bacterial infection. However, these physical symptoms can also mean something entirely different. things you can do to improve the condition of fish are:
Maintaining a proper environment /clean water for your fish to live in
Separating two quarrelling fish before cuts/wounds get serious
Utilizing proper nutrition: nori, foods high in protein such as LRS Herbivore diet, and soaking fish food with vitamin supplements. Selcon vitamins are good.

Utilizing a quarantine tank, some good meds are:
  • Kanamycin ( Seachem Kanaplex)
  • Furan-2
  • Maracyn 2
This is incredibly helpful, seriously, I can’t thank you enough! I think you’re right in that the infection started from an open wound. He’s not the only tang in the tank and I’ve seen them dart at one another from time to time so I’m sure he got nailed. The tank will literally have to be torn apart to get the tangs out, but it is what it is at this point. I’ll likely set up a quarantine tank and look into the meds you recommended for treatment. Thank you so much again!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%