He is an Ostracion solorensis, scribbled or reticulate boxfish. They are more delicate than the horned nose boxfish. The two were together in the tank at the LFS. They are in separate QT tanks. Both have ich but no other signs. The scribbled boxfish had an odd swimming pattern (rocking back and forth) and was attracted to the bubbler. I presume it was the ich bothering him. He now swims normally. He is much shier; the horned nose is gregarious by comparison. The two were at the LFS for about 2-3 weeks and both eating they said. We picked them up last Thursday afternoon. He has not eaten since we have had him so that is now 3 days. I did think he picked at some algae we put in, but i've not seen any evidence of that since, but there is a clip with algae in the tank.
I uploaded a video of him this morning to youtube: video
Thank you. I do hope we can save him.
Yes - solarensis can be pretty delicate, I typically avoid acquiring them.
I think the best you can do is keep treating for ich, and offering a variety of foods. Avoid uneaten food building up in the tank, and avoid "observer bias" - where the concerned aquarist tries to observe the non-eating food so closely that the fish is kept scared and continues to not eat.