Hey all my Bicolour blenny recently left its home due to it being to chonky for the hole, this was a few days ago now he has started to go pale and is doing flips in the sand? I inspected him and can’t see any white dots and he doesn’t do the flips against the rocks generally only the sand (unless he gets himself jammed).
Please see attached video, it almost looks like he is jamming his head down to bite something in the sand but I can’t tell.
They seems to still be eating and everything and no other fish are being aggressive to it that I have witnessed, I have tried to make it multiple new homes
Please see attached video, it almost looks like he is jamming his head down to bite something in the sand but I can’t tell.
They seems to still be eating and everything and no other fish are being aggressive to it that I have witnessed, I have tried to make it multiple new homes