Ok, it's confirmed. It contains tin as a stabilizer ;-)I did use that in the display, but like I said, a minimal amount. I highly doubt that has tin in it, but if you could figure out the amount, I'd be interested. I haven't used it since I've done water changes. But I haven't had the time to do them based on what you originally said (pasted below).
So far I've done 2 - 25G water changes, and 1 10G water change. Where do you think my tin would sit now? Total volume (before rock/sand/equip) is 93G.
Below is what you calculated for me.
10 WC @25% will get you down to 5 microgram/L
14-15 get you below 2 microgram/L
# Before WC WC % After WC
1 94 25 71
2 71 25 53
3 53 25 40
4 40 25 30
5 30 25 22
6 22 25 17
7 17 25 13
8 13 25 9
9 9 25 7
10 7 25 5
11 5 25 4
12 4 25 3
13 3 25 2
14 2 25 2
I'm trying now to figure out how much tin would be "supplemented" with all sorts of other heavy metals actually. That will take me a bit but will try.