Please forgive the dirty glass in the photo, but I have two eels, a Banana Moray (named Mango) and a zebra moray (not named yet). My zebra has been eating wonderfully since I’ve gotten her (squid, clam, shrimp) but Mango who was there a week before I got the zebra, has not taken a liking to whatever I try to feed frozen (thawed of course) from the tongs. It’s been about 3 weeks with no food taken from me. There’s a few feeder live shrimp (peppermints) and seven chromis. Both the eels get a long and I haven’t witnessed any aggressiveness from them to eachother. I often find them in the same cave together. Any advice on how I can get my banana moray to eat? Or is it a waiting game? Both eels look healthy I think.