Bacto Balance and Plus NP

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May 6, 2021
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Good evening all,

Tank is a MarineX 90.3
Filter floss, skimmer, refugium in the sump, etc.

I found over time that with a newborn I slowly stopped testing my Nitrates and Phosphates.

Well, over time with the addition of a refugium my nitrates and phosphates bottomed out. It was months before I really noticed.

Corals became paler and didn't look too hot. I knew something was up when my dosing of A4R began to actually raise my alk too much and I had to lessen my dosage. Red flag #1

All corals seemed okay.. bit some were staring to receed/loose flesh. Most notably my raja rampage mycedium coral. See pictures.

As I dose A4R already I decided to lessen my refugium lights (did not raise Nitrate or Phosphate) so I decided to dose. I chose to use the Bacto Balance and Plus NP so that I could raise both parameters and get the benefits of carbon dosing. A win/win/win.

I will come back and post on this thread as time goes on to document the changes. So far my A4R dosage has climbed from 18ml to 27.5ml to keep alk stable at 8.4.

Corals are looking more vibrant than they used to (according to my wife) who did not know I had made the change of adding these products. Raja rampage looks to actually be recovering and growing it's green flesh back.

So far it has been just over 2 weeks. I'll come back in a few more with progress pics and info.
