Dear @AquaSD . I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for those that have been wrongfully done. I always loved the brand and heard it was incredible I went to try it for myself. They sent me an email this morning telling me that I was about 30$ short of the 100$ shipping criteria that I had no idea about. I already paid shipping, so I was flummoxed. They then shot me an email telling me that shipping is 50$ on their part and for them to make profit I would have to add a couple more items, Aswell they added they could make an exception and lower the 100$ required shipping cap. I was very displeased to hear this as they sent this the DAY before I am supposed to receive my corals. I am a teen, and I don't have money to dispose and 124$ is a lot to me. So I added an extra 19$ worth of stuff to my list and purchased it due to them saying they could make exceptions this one time if i got a couple extra items. I have sent many ID numbers to them, and they haven't responded to any of my emails. I purchased a Mystery softies coral pack a candy cane and a mushroom, fish food, and 4 nassarius snails. I also had to pay 35$ for shipping. This has been a very stressful first experience with my first corals and I was very overjoyed to know that my corals would arrive and now I am torn. A company I believed cared about their customers (I'm not saying they don't) but they couldn't respond to my emails, or they responded when it was too late. I have tried calling the store Aswell and It went to voicemail twice. My email is [email protected]
Thank You,
[email protected]
Thank You,
[email protected]