So I’ve had this hippo for a little over a week and he had a few spots here and there which to me looked like flukes at first so he’s been in qt with Prazi but this this popped up over night to me it looks like velvet but the fish isn’t breathing rapidly nor at the surface of the tank or staying in the power head flow just sits inside of the big pvc you see most of the day however sometimes he will go lay down under the pvc like you see in the photo I know this is normal for hippos to go and squeeze themselves into things but thought I’d put this photo up just incase. He eats (okay) what I mean by okay is he’s pretty slow to eat luckily he’s in there by himself so there isn’t a hurry to get food but eats nori and rods vege mix also sometimes some brine I soak the nori in garlic and selcon aswell. Any suggestions? Water parameters are pristine atm