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Alright, time for a new build!

It's a great feeling being able to start a build with high hopes and expectations. Especially when you've learned so much from previous successes and fails. This will be my fourth build, however it will be the one that truly succeeds!

My previous builds were each taken down before the other, each for a different reason. Whether it be low funding (1st build), lack of time for up-keep (2nd build), and my most recent being that I had to move out of my previous apartment. Now it's time for a new start!

I wouldn't say that I've been out of the hobby, (though it's been almost a year since I last had a tank in my possession) because I've been following up with the almighty R2R forum, and taking down ideas and plans for my next adventure...

and this one is gonna be a challenge!

The Plan...
This may sound old and continuously said by other reefers, but with this build I want to stay on top of tracking my progress (exclusively on R2R), and make this something worth reading and following.

This tank is 100% Hawaiian influenced, though it will most likely contain only 80-90% of true Hawaiian features due to size and slim pickings within that size allowance. Most true Hawaiian corals and livestock require a much larger tank volume.

I will be needing some of your wise and inquisitive input for this build, and I look forward to what creativity anyone can bring forward.

The Build...
  • Tank: Aquamaxx 9.6 (Rectangular- 17.8"x10.7"x11.9")
  • Lighting: Aquamaxx Nemolight 18watt (may possibly be adding 2 Current USA TrueLumen Pro Marine Fusion 12k/453m LED strips - will need some help determining if needed)
  • Filtration: Hagen AquaClear 50 (Heater will somehow be a mod inside with some Miracle Mud and Carbon. Thus the need for the larger filter. If there is more room, may be adding more filtration features, but these are the top two that I feel are a must for a tank so small.)
  • Heater: Undecided. Possibly Cobalt NeoTherm 50W
  • Water Movement: AquaClear 50 provides 200gph output flow, though I may also supplement with a Koralia Hydor 240gph. Would love some ideas of another nano powerhead that won't take up so much space and probably doesn't need to be as strong.
  • Stand/Canopy: DIY Fluval Edge influenced base/hood/neck. Already bought materials for the build, just need to get it together this weekend, hopefully tonight.
  • Substrate: CaribSea Arag-Alive Hawaiian Black Sand (~15 lbs.)
  • Rock: Real Reef Rock (between 10 and 20 lbs.)
The Wishlist...
  • Livestock:
    • *Hawaiian... Scarface Blenny (Cirripectes vanderbilti); Chocolate Dip Chromis (Chromis hanui); Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides phthirophagus).
I'm not too positive about the above Hawaiian fish, these were the only nano that I could find. Their swimming habits may prohibit the existence in a 10G. If so, I will have to look for something similar. May have to move to Caribbean fish instead...​
  • Corals:
    • *Hawaiian... Common Razor Coral (Fungia scutaria); Blue Soft Coral (Sarcothelia edmondsoni); Montipora; Cauliflower Coral (Pocilopora meandrina).
Other corals will also have to suffice, as again the pickings from Hawaii are very slim due to size as well as restrictions in Hawaii. I will try my hardest to find corals similar to other corals that originate in Hawaii. To my knowledge, it is illegal to collect SPS and LPS corals from Hawaii, so mainly Zoas are my only true Hawaiian corals I might be able to get my hands on. Darn.​
  • Inverts/CUC:
    • Strawberry Crab (Liomera sp.); Cave Shrimp (Stenopus pyrsonotus); Saron Shrimp (Saron marmoratus).
**Again, these are all general ideas, and mainly a list of Hawaiian livestock that MIGHT be suitable for NANO aquariums, however not much research is done on these living species.

Final Thoughts...
The tank itself is going to be beautiful no matter what, even if that means I have to ditch the Hawaiian idea and save it for a larger build. Maybe this will be just a pre-Hawaiian-Inspiration-Tank... or we can call it a PHIT tank for now ;)

I plan on keeping the progress and build updated pretty often, with lots of pictures. My design for the stand/canopy has been finalized and am happy to admit that I am finally pleased with it after working and changing things for weeks. Hopefully I can get that going tonight and show you all my vision, because I know that it is somewhat hard to explain. Just think of the Fluval Edge 6 gallon for now. Just on a somewhat larger scale.

Until then, I will try and check back in within a few hours and maybe show some progress on the build.

PLEASE any suggestions or ideas, throw them my way! With this build I am trying to show myself some self-control and not going for a much larger scale build. I'm horrible at self control... don't tempt me!​
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Today has been a day full of planning, cutting, sanding and planning some more.

Tank is coming together. Hopefully planning to have water in within the next few weeks.

Tomorrow will be filled with painting and possibly assembling the stand, depending on the drying paint.

More to come!



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The tank stand is almost done! I feel very confident about it being finished tonight, hopefully able to show a picture with the setup as of now - dry.

I realize this thread has been pretty boring without pictures so far, so I want to show my inspiration pictures for this build.

Hawaii has VERY strict regulations on collecting their corals, other than zoas (basically). So my plan is to find something very similar, whether in location (I.e. Marshall Islands, Christmas Island) or similar family.



I think I've settled on the fish I might be wanting to stock the tank.

As usual, fish stocking is often controversial when it comes to nano's. However, there has been much success with Flame Angels in smaller builds, even though Live Aquaria rates them for at least a 70 gallon.

Would one be too small for a 9.6 gallon? Possibly. And that's why I'm not too comfortable with taking the risk. I know I always have the option of releasing him to better home, but I'm not too sure. A True Hawaiian Flame Angel would be a huge plus in making this PHIT tank more of a reality.

Other than this, I love the Helfrichi's Firefish, though somewhat rare in Hawaii, they are habitants of the islands.

At this point, I am stuck between the two. But I have a while before I need to worry about fish, so until then I'll keep working on getting this build wet so that the cycle can finally begin!


Nutramar Foods


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Headed home from work and as usual, stuck in dead stop California traffic. At least today I have a chauffeur (boyfriend) that carpooled with me this morning.


Isn't he a cutie? I think so too.

I've been using this time to do some more research on Hawaiian fish small enough for a nano, because I am not sold that there are only two (previously detailed above).

LUCKILY, I found a bunch more. It was a bit tedious, but I went onto Live Aquaria and went category by category of marine fish and filtered the origin to Hawaiian (Not sure why they have a separate category for Caribbean fish, but not Hawaiian...).

I found a few contenders too.

I put a star next to the ones I am not too sure about. Again I love angelfish but I still cannot decide on whether or not it's a smart move...

The choices are as follows:

•*{True Hawaiian} Flame Angel
•Helfrichi's Fire Fish (Marshall Island)
•*Fisher's Angelfish
•*Potter's Angelfish
•Saddle Valentina Puffer
•Saddle Puffer
•Spotted Puffer
•Leaf Fish
•Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse

I'm thinking of pairing the Leaf Fish with one of the other fish, as I've read that they are quite peaceful and similar to a yellow watchman goby.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


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Ordered some goodies from BRS on my lunch at work today. Shipment should be in by Friday.

Decided to go with Reef Saver Live Rock Dry Live Rock. Though I'm used to Real Reef rock, I feel like it would be way too dense for a tank this small.

For my heater I also went with the Hydor Theo 50w as the dimensions are perfect for my plans to turn the AC70 (picked it up yesterday) into a fuge.

Finally, I also decided to go with the Sicce Voyager Nano Stream 530gph powerhead. I love the power it can project in such a TINY unit. It will definitely not be in the way or ruin the design of the display. I may be upgrading later on down the road to an MP10, but I'm not too sure if it's really much of a bonus. We'll see....

Will get pictures up of the finished tank tonight!



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Not much of an update... delivery from BRS isn't coming until Monday now. Oh well. Gives me more time to think about how I want 'scape this thing.

I was thinking of some sort of floating lagoon... we'll see.

This is what I get to stare at sitting at my desk. Excited for this thing to get wet!

More updates to come soon...




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Been slacking a little with an update on here. LONGGGG week at work.

I finished the rockscape Monday night. Was pretty pleased with the pieces that came with the BRS ReefSaver at 10lbs. I got 3 large pieces and then a bunch of smaller pieces that I was able to glue together to build bigger pieces or onto the already larger pieces.

Ditched the idea of doing a floating main piece on the back wall. Didn't really like the way it looked so I went ahead and built something else.

Normally I am not a fan of a single piece 'scape, but this just seemed to flow nicely. Usually I like two big [main] pieces to create a trench look, but decided to change it up a bit. I didn't realize until after that I made a gradual incline to the right, I'm sorta digging it more.

Overall pretty happy with the look, and I can't wait for the cycle to finish and the tank to mature.

The AC70 is working GREAT! It creates a strong enough flow to intercept the Voyager Nano powerhead flow (facing upwards at an angle towards the front glass). I'm hopeful it will create a lot of chaotic flow. I'm interested to see if the flow coming from up above will have any positive affect on corals since the the rock work is right below the AC70 output.


Side View (Left):

Side View (Right):

Let me know your thoughts!

**Will post an update on how I modified the AC70 into a refugium later on.

Stay tuned!

World Wide Corals


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Very nice set up. Almost looks suspended. Nice look with the black sand

That was the idea! It's floating 5" off the top of the bookcase it is sitting on around all sides about 4" in.

Enjoying the look so far.


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Not much to update. Still waiting for the cycle to finish. I haven't tested once yet. I'm waiting for an algae bloom so I can start with a CUC.

However I have dosed Dr. Tims the first day I got it wet and I've been ghost feeding a little bit as well. It's been almost three weeks, I'm surprised I haven't seen anything algae-wise.

Am I not ghost feeding enough? Does it need a stronger source of ammonia to break down?

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%