I just added sps coral to a tank that had no coral and 10x turnover at maybe 3000 gallons per hour. My fish have been in there for a year now. Moorish idol, Queen angel, and 5 tangs. I just put in 2 mp 40s that I plan on running around 100% to get the flow I need. The fish are not use to this much current. Should I ramp up the pumps in stages so they can build up muscle. Or do the Acropora and Montipora need high flow right now? I have what appears to be the most hardy, aggressive, food driven moorish idol of all time and do not want to risk his health. Any thoughts?
I just added acropora(green slimer and garf bonsai), about 8 branching encrusting and plating montipora(The thing, digi, 4 plating, superman, and jetti mind trick among others) birds nest, chalice, zoas, mushrooms, pavona, cyphastria, and lepto. They were moved yesterday after 74 days of quarantine. I went all out after never having corals to see what will get eaten and what can survive in my tank.
I just added acropora(green slimer and garf bonsai), about 8 branching encrusting and plating montipora(The thing, digi, 4 plating, superman, and jetti mind trick among others) birds nest, chalice, zoas, mushrooms, pavona, cyphastria, and lepto. They were moved yesterday after 74 days of quarantine. I went all out after never having corals to see what will get eaten and what can survive in my tank.