A list of angelfish max sizes (Captive and wild)


i cant think

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Before we get into this, I am doing this from a quote in another thread from Jay where he said he did an experiment with many angels and most of them were 80% of their wild/maximum recorded size. So off of this, I have taken a list of angels (The most common ones kept in captivity) with the help of Zionas and I have taken their wild size and done this calculation:
Biggest recorded Wild size x 0.8. As you go further down the list you will see ECS and MWS, this is basically me being lazy and not wanting to type out the full words.

Dwarf Angels:
1. Coral Beauty (Centropyge Bispinosa)
Maximum wild size: around 4 inch
Estimated captive size: 3”
2. Flame (Centropyge Loricula)
Maximum wild size: Around 4”
Estimated captive size: 3”
3. Potter’s (Centropyge Potteri)
Maximum wild size: 5”
Estimated captive size: 4”
4. Multicolor (Centropyge Multicolor)
Maximum wild size: 3.5”
Estimated captive size: 2.8” (3” most likely)
5. Bicolor (Centropyge Bicolor)
Maximum wild size: 6”
Estimated captive size: 4.8” (5” most likely)
6. Keyhole (Centropyge Tibicen)
Maximum wild size: 8” (This shocked me more than I thought it would)
Estimated captive size: 6.4” (Could get to 6 and a half”)
7. Lemonpeel (Centropyge Flavissima)
Maximum wild size: 5.5”
Estimated captive size: 4.4” (could possibly hit 4 and a half”)
8. Eibli (Centropyge Eibli)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” possible)
9. Half-Black (Centropyge Vrolikii)
MWS: 5”
ECS: 4”
10. Rusty (Centropyge Ferrugata)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
11. Cherub (Centropyge Argi)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2.5”
12. African / Brazilian Flameback (Centropyge Acanthops / Centropyge Aurantonotus)
MWS: 2.5”
ECS: 2”
13. Yellowtail Pygmy / Fisheri (Centropyge Flavicauda / Centropyge Fisheri)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2”
14. Joculator (Centropyge Joculator)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2.5”
15. Japanese Pygmy (Centropyge Interrupta)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” possible)
16. Shephard’s (Centropyge Shepardi)
MWS: 4.7” (ECS based from 5”)
ECS: 4”
17. Multibar (Paracentropyge Multifasciata)
MWS: 4.7” (Same as above)
ECS: 4”
18. Venusta (Paracentropyge Venusta)
MWS: 5”
ECS: 4”
19. Colin’s (Paracentropyge Colini)
MWS: 3.4”
ECS: 2.75” (3” possible)
20. Herald’s (Centropyge Heraldi)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
21. Yellow-Fin (Centropyge Flavipectoralis)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
22. Multi-Spined (Centropyge Multispinus)
MWS: 5.5”
ECS: 4.4”
1. Xanthurus Cream / Red Sea Cream (Apolemichthys xanthurus/ xanthotis)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
2. Flagfin (Apolemichthys trimaculatus)
MWS: 10.2”
ECS: 8”
3. Goldflake (Apolemichthys xanthopunctata)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
4. Griffis (Apolemichthys griffisi)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
5. Tiger (Apolemichthys kingii)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
6. Bandit (Apolemichthys arcuatus)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
1. Lamarck’s (Genicanthus lamarck)
MWS: 9”
ECS: 7.2”
2. Spot Breast (Genicanthus melanospilos)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
3. Bellus (Genicanthus bellus)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
4. Watanabei (Genicanthus watanabei)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” more likely)
5. Japanese Masked Swallowtail (Genicanthus semifasciatus)
MWS: 9”
ECS: 7.2”
6. Masked Swallowtail (Genicanthus personatus)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
1. Regal (Pygoplites diacanthus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
1. Scribbled (Chaetodontoplus doublayi)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
2. Blue Line / Maze / Orange Faced (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis/ Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus / Chaetodontoplus chrysocephalus)
MWS: 8.5”
ECS: 6.8” (7” most likely)
3. True Personifer (Chaetodontoplus personifer)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
4. False Personifer / Meredith’s (Chaetodontoplus meredithi)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
5. Conspicuous (Chaetodontoplus conspicullatus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
6. Black Velvet (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
7. Singapore (Chaetodontoplus mesoleuceus)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
8. Blue Spotted (Chaetodontoplus caruleopunctatus)
MWS: 5.5”
ECS: 4.4”
(Am I missing any?)

1. Koran (Pomacanthus semicirculatus)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
2. Emperor (Pomacanthus imperator)
MWS: 16”
ECS: 12”
3. Grey (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
MWS: 17”-24” (17”-19” is more commons)
ECS: 13”-19.2”
4. French (Pomacanthus paru)
MWS: 16”-24” (16” is more common)
ECS: 13”-19.2”
5. Asfur (Pomacanthus asfur)
MWS: 16”
ECS: 12.8”
6. Maculosus / Half-Moon (Pomacanthus maculosus)
MWS: 20”
ECS: 16”
7. Majestic (Pomacanthus navarchus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
8. Blue Faced (Pomacanthus xanthometopon)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
9. Six-Bar (Pomacanthus sexstriatus)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
10. Blue Ringed (Pomacanthus annularis)
MWS: 17.6”
ECS: 14”
11. Ear Spot (Pomacanthus chrysurus)
MWS: 17.6”
ECS: 14”
12. Cortez (Pomacanthus zonipectus)
MWS: 19”
ECS: 15.2”
13. Old Woman (Pomacanthus rhomboides)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
1. King / Passer (Holacanthus passer)
MWS: 14”
ECS: 11”
2. Queen (Holacanthus ciliaris)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
3. Blue (Holacanthus bermudensis)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
4. Clarion (Holacanthus clarionensis)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
5. Rock Beauty (Holacanthus tricolor)
MWS: 14”
ECS: 11”
6. African / Guinean (Holacanthus africanus)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
7. Clipperton (Holacanthus limbaughi)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”

This is just an estimated guess at how big most of your angelfish will get, it’s not a 100% confirmed size. My guess is Atleast 90% or angels will get to these sizes in captivity, but you can’t take the max wild size out of the picture.
I hope this helps someone! I planned to do this thread about 10-20 minutes before it was posted when I was watching another thread (Also with Zionas in it). I will probably use this with the angels I would love in my fish tank (Blue face, and Emperor).
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Jay Hemdal

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Before we get into this, I am doing this from a quote in another thread from Jay where he said he did an experiment with many angels and most of them were 80% of their wild/maximum recorded size. So off of this, I have taken a list of angels (The most common ones kept in captivity) with the help of Zionas and I have taken their wild size and done this calculation:
Biggest recorded Wild size x 0.8. As you go further down the list you will see ECS and MWS, this is basically me being lazy and not wanting to type out the full words.

Dwarf Angels:
1. Coral Beauty (Centropyge Bispinosa)
Maximum wild size: around 4 inch
Estimated captive size: 3”
2. Flame (Centropyge Loricula)
Maximum wild size: Around 4”
Estimated captive size: 3”
3. Potter’s (Centropyge Potteri)
Maximum wild size: 5”
Estimated captive size: 4”
4. Multicolor (Centropyge Multicolor)
Maximum wild size: 3.5”
Estimated captive size: 2.8” (3” most likely)
5. Bicolor (Centropyge Bicolor)
Maximum wild size: 6”
Estimated captive size: 4.8” (5” most likely)
6. Keyhole (Centropyge Tibicen)
Maximum wild size: 8” (This shocked me more than I thought it would)
Estimated captive size: 6.4” (Could get to 6 and a half”)
7. Lemonpeel (Centropyge Flavissima)
Maximum wild size: 5.5”
Estimated captive size: 4.4” (could possibly hit 4 and a half”)
8. Eibli (Centropyge Eibli)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” possible)
9. Half-Black (Centropyge Vrolikii)
MWS: 5”
ECS: 4”
10. Rusty (Centropyge Ferrugata)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
11. Cherub (Centropyge Argi)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2.5”
12. African / Brazilian Flameback (Centropyge Acanthops / Centropyge Aurantonotus)
MWS: 2.5”
ECS: 2”
13. Yellowtail Pygmy / Fisheri (Centropyge Flavicauda / Centropyge Fisheri)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2”
14. Joculator (Centropyge Joculator)
MWS: 3”
ECS: 2.5”
15. Japanese Pygmy (Centropyge Interrupta)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” possible)
16. Shephard’s (Centropyge Shepardi)
MWS: 4.7” (ECS based from 5”)
ECS: 4”
17. Multibar (Paracentropyge Multifasciata)
MWS: 4.7” (Same as above)
ECS: 4”
18. Venusta (Paracentropyge Venusta)
MWS: 5”
ECS: 4”
19. Colin’s (Paracentropyge Colini)
MWS: 3.4”
ECS: 2.75” (3” possible)
20. Herald’s (Centropyge Heraldi)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
21. Yellow-Fin (Centropyge Flavipectoralis)
MWS: 4”
ECS: 3.2”
22. Multi-Spined (Centropyge Multispinus)
MWS: 5.5”
ECS: 4.4”
1. Xanthurus Cream / Red Sea Cream (Apolemichthys xanthurus/ xanthotis)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
2. Flagfin (Apolemichthys trimaculatus)
MWS: 10.2”
ECS: 8”
3. Goldflake (Apolemichthys xanthopunctata)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
4. Griffis (Apolemichthys griffisi)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
5. Tiger (Apolemichthys kingii)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
6. Bandit (Apolemichthys arcuatus)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
1. Lamarck’s (Genicanthus lamarck)
MWS: 9”
ECS: 7.2”
2. Spot Breast (Genicanthus melanospilos)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
3. Bellus (Genicanthus bellus)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
4. Watanabei (Genicanthus watanabei)
MWS: 6”
ECS: 4.8” (5” more likely)
5. Japanese Masked Swallowtail (Genicanthus semifasciatus)
MWS: 9”
ECS: 7.2”
6. Masked Swallowtail (Genicanthus personatus)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
1. Regal (Pygoplites diacanthus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
1. Scribbled (Chaetodontoplus doublayi)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
2. Blue Line / Maze / Orange Faced (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis/ Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus / Chaetodontoplus chrysocephalus)
MWS: 8.5”
ECS: 6.8” (7” most likely)
3. True Personifer (Chaetodontoplus personifer)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
4. False Personifer / Meredith’s (Chaetodontoplus meredithi)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
5. Conspicuous (Chaetodontoplus conspicullatus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
6. Black Velvet (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma)
MWS: 8”
ECS: 6.4”
7. Singapore (Chaetodontoplus mesoleuceus)
MWS: 7”
ECS: 5.6”
8. Blue Spotted (Chaetodontoplus caruleopunctatus)
MWS: 5.5”
ECS: 4.4”
(Am I missing any?)

1. Koran (Pomacanthus semicirculatus)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
2. Emperor (Pomacanthus imperator)
MWS: 16”
ECS: 12”
3. Grey (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
MWS: 17”-24” (17”-19” is more commons)
ECS: 13”-19.2”
4. French (Pomacanthus paru)
MWS: 16”-24” (16” is more common)
ECS: 13”-19.2”
5. Asfur (Pomacanthus asfur)
MWS: 16”
ECS: 12.8”
6. Maculosus / Half-Moon (Pomacanthus maculosus)
MWS: 20”
ECS: 16”
7. Majestic (Pomacanthus navarchus)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”
8. Blue Faced (Pomacanthus xanthometopon)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
9. Six-Bar (Pomacanthus sexstriatus)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
10. Blue Ringed (Pomacanthus annularis)
MWS: 17.6”
ECS: 14”
11. Ear Spot (Pomacanthus chrysurus)
MWS: 17.6”
ECS: 14”
12. Cortez (Pomacanthus zonipectus)
MWS: 19”
ECS: 15.2”
13. Old Woman (Pomacanthus rhomboides)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
1. King / Passer (Holacanthus passer)
MWS: 14”
ECS: 11”
2. Queen (Holacanthus ciliaris)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
3. Blue (Holacanthus bermudensis)
MWS: 15”
ECS: 12”
4. Clarion (Holacanthus clarionensis)
MWS: 10”
ECS: 8”
5. Rock Beauty (Holacanthus tricolor)
MWS: 14”
ECS: 11”
6. African / Guinean (Holacanthus africanus)
MWS: 18”
ECS: 14.4”
7. Clipperton (Holacanthus limbaughi)
MWS: 12”
ECS: 9.6”

This is just an estimated guess at how big most of your angelfish will get, it’s not a 100% confirmed size. My guess is Atleast 90% or angels will get to these sizes in captivity, but you can’t take the max wild size out of the picture.
I hope this helps someone! I planned to do this thread about 10-20 minutes before it was posted when I was watching another thread (Also with Zionas in it). I will probably use this with the angels I would love in my fish tank (Blue face, and Emperor).
I should clarify - the 0.80 factor was an average of a number of different species, not just angelfish.
i cant think

i cant think

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Thanks for this! I think growth rate matters too. I have actually not seen Regal Angel 9" in home aquaria. But it is common to see Chaetodontoplus (they grow fast) close to their max ECS. For example, it is common to see scribble and personifer 8" +.
That for sure is a huge factor in the max sizes of angels! I don’t think any regal gets to the max recorded size in the wild, I think they stick to around the size of their Estimated captive sizes. Whereas I can find it easy to believe Pomacanthus and Chaetodontoplus get to Atleast 2” off of their max recorded size. I know it’s recorded that the largest of the pomocanthus stick to around 19-20” if their max recorded size is 24” (I’m looking at the grey and french… for sure my favourite fish as juveniles).
i cant think

i cant think

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I should clarify - the 0.80 factor was an average of a number of different species, not just angelfish.
Yeah, I find that it’s most commonly angels that are both wanted in peoples tanks and go with the 0.8 factor.


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Had this guy for almost 4 years and he's about 8" long. I wish he would stay this size but pretty sure he's still growing strong. I'll let you know.

i cant think

i cant think

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Had this guy for almost 4 years and he's about 8" long. I wish he would stay this size but pretty sure he's still growing strong. I'll let you know.

View attachment 2482823
Wow, that just shows the size of the Atlantic blue right next to it… And both look like they still have a tiny bit of the juvenile colouration.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%