Bluelined / Bluestripe angelfish


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Mar 6, 2020
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Winnieland (AKA “People’s” Republic of China)
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Poma Labs last said they are preparing to get more batches of this species in stock again, so I would wait for a captive bred one. The wild ones from Taiwan / Vietnam (rarely do we get this species from Japan, the ones from Japan usually go to Asia) are often bycatch of local fishermen and often aren’t caught using good methods even if cyanide isn’t necessarily an issue.

And besides for 300-400 bucks a piece, you can get a CB fish that’s eating and I would trust Matt’s pedigree with angelfish since Poma has already bred more rare and elusive species like their Conspics.

I see no reason not to wait for a CB one. If we’re talking about pricing, the CB ones are totally competitive or might be even cheaper than a wild caught one, like how nowadays a CB Conspic is 3 grand a piece while a wild one would actually set you back 5-6 grand.

Go CB with this species. It’s a beautiful fish and in my Top 5 large angels, anyone interested in it should give it the best chance of surviving and thriving.