A Calm Blue Ocean - IM Fusion Pro 50 Gallon AIO Lagoon

Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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Looking good! What lighting are you running again? I didn't see it in the equipment list.

Of all things to miss, the one thing I've been meaning to post about! Because that changed as well! Thanks to a good deal I finally swapped the AI Primes to Gen5 Radion and super happy with the change so far (aside from the mounting, I'm thinking if I put a shelf over the tank and then hang my lights I'd have a lot more flexibility). I'd say my only complaint is that due to the increased spread the light spill can make it annoying to sit next to the tank. But I just sit happy knowing that the annoying glare in my eyes is that improved spread so yeah! Tank looks better when I squint anyway. ;Hilarious
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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So the Birds Nest is back in the 50g after being allowed to grow out a bit in the 10g.

Here is a reminder of how it looked after Big Mama had her way with it:


And here we are today. Let's hope she doesn't remember how delicious it was because I'm crazy about this coral!



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Of all things to miss, the one thing I've been meaning to post about! Because that changed as well! Thanks to a good deal I finally swapped the AI Primes to Gen5 Radion and super happy with the change so far (aside from the mounting, I'm thinking if I put a shelf over the tank and then hang my lights I'd have a lot more flexibility). I'd say my only complaint is that due to the increased spread the light spill can make it annoying to sit next to the tank. But I just sit happy knowing that the annoying glare in my eyes is that improved spread so yeah! Tank looks better when I squint anyway. ;Hilarious
Which Radion? Get the shade for it, that made a huge difference for me before I switched to the Unos.
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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Which Radion? Get the shade for it, that made a huge difference for me before I switched to the Unos.

It's funny leaving the light change off my equipment list when it was one of the bigger changes I made. I also almost forgot to list my Sinularia on the list of corals...it's only my most gigantic crazy growing beast in the tank.

I went xr15 Blues. I was originally looking at a single xr30 (a single light was so appealing) but after actually talking to someone at Ecotech, was convinced that that wasn't a solution I'd be happy with, particularly given the shallow depth of the tank. As it is, I think I'm running at 45% which gives me similar par to what I was getting from AI Primes. Corals never missed a beat and I didn't bother with the acclimation mode. Now they've jacked up the prices on all the Ecotech stuff. It would be a lot harder to justify at full retail.

I will definitely look into the shades. It's become one of those household jokes about the surface of the sun or some such thing but the day could come where I find my lights mysteriously unplugged. :rolleyes:
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It's funny leaving the light change off my equipment list when it was one of the bigger changes I made. I also almost forgot to list my Sinularia on the list of corals...it's only my most gigantic crazy growing beast in the tank.

I went xr15 Blues. I was originally looking at a single xr30 (a single light was so appealing) but after actually talking to someone at Ecotech, was convinced that that wasn't a solution I'd be happy with, particularly given the shallow depth of the tank. As it is, I think I'm running at 45% which gives me similar par to what I was getting from AI Primes. Corals never missed a beat and I didn't bother with the acclimation mode. Now they've jacked up the prices on all the Ecotech stuff. It would be a lot harder to justify at full retail.

I will definitely look into the shades. It's become one of those household jokes about the surface of the sun or some such thing but the day could come where I find my lights mysteriously unplugged. :rolleyes:
Well, I'm glad I brought it up then!

I'm looking at going with 3x of the gen 4 xr15 pro's for the SR80. Hopefully that will do the job. I guess if not, I can add a 4th.

I'm running a gen 4 xr30 pro over my 25 lagoon currently. Mostly because I was using that paired with a 4 bulb Aquatic life T5 fixture over my 50 lagoon so I just used what I had. I think it maxes out at 25 or 30% peak intensity. ;Hilarious
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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There are things at work in my tank and I'm feeling like I'm at one of those points where I need to start watching things carefully. Long story short, apparently I really needed that skimmer upgrade!

I had been carbon dosing since the spring with little in the way of results. Every once in a while I'd see a dip in nitrates but not enough to say it was definitely the carbon dosing. Phosphate remained a constant struggle. I did a series of 30% water changes with minimal impact, stepped up my husbandry, and still nutrients fought me. And then there was the pH issue. Often in the 7.7 range in spite of open windows, additional air, and a CO2 scrubber!

And then I caved and bought a bigger skimmer.

Well. It's only been a little over a week I think so I don't want to get too excited but...

PO4 dropped 0.1 over the past week!
pH is between 7.8 and 8.1 and my CO2 media is lasting way longer!
My tank is actually consuming alkalinity! Holy cow, I suddenly need to dose!
Several unhappy corals are opening again.

I seriously don't want to get too excited here but I think things are happening.

Now because everything can't be perfect, I should mention I saw Big Mama possibly picking at my pocillopora and my YWG is on a hunger strike again (maybe she's eating amphipods at night?). With this bigger skimmer, though, I might be able to get away with feeding a bit more. We will fill Big Mama's belly with something that's not coral and find a food that speaks to 'Roni.


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I had a feeling the new skimmer would help you out. I just caught my peppermint shrimp killing my acans so they gotta go, although I’m not sure how I’m going to catch them yet. Might be time to give big mama the boot.
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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I had a feeling the new skimmer would help you out. I just caught my peppermint shrimp killing my acans so they gotta go, although I’m not sure how I’m going to catch them yet. Might be time to give big mama the boot.

I don't think I realized the extent to which that crappy little skimmer was holding me back. And in more good skimmer news, the pump has become much quieter (I don't think it's just that I'm getting used to it lol). I can't believe what it's pulling out of the tank. And not just the color but omg the smell! That's got to be a good sign, right? ;Hilarious

Big Mama is actually really friendly and will come right over to clean my hands. I could probably scoop her right out if I wanted to. Lil' Papa would probably be a bit more of a challenge since he's a lot more shy. I don't know about yours but my peppermints are definitely pigs, a trap might be the best approach. Sorry to hear your peppermints have crossed into the coral eating zone. At least I know mine eat aiptasia, you didn't even get that benefit.


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I don't think I realized the extent to which that crappy little skimmer was holding me back. And in more good skimmer news, the pump has become much quieter (I don't think it's just that I'm getting used to it lol). I can't believe what it's pulling out of the tank. And not just the color but omg the smell! That's got to be a good sign, right? ;Hilarious

Big Mama is actually really friendly and will come right over to clean my hands. I could probably scoop her right out if I wanted to. Lil' Papa would probably be a bit more of a challenge since he's a lot more shy. I don't know about yours but my peppermints are definitely pigs, a trap might be the best approach. Sorry to hear your peppermints have crossed into the coral eating zone. At least I know mine eat aiptasia, you didn't even get that benefit.
It’s super disappointing or sure. They pretty much kept to themselves for a long time, you never saw them, and then all of a sudden a couple of days ago my acans went downhill fast and last night I caught one red handed picking away at one and another one picking away at the blasto at the same time. A trap is needed but honestly I’ve got no idea what would work.
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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It’s super disappointing or sure. They pretty much kept to themselves for a long time, you never saw them, and then all of a sudden a couple of days ago my acans went downhill fast and last night I caught one red handed picking away at one and another one picking away at the blasto at the same time. A trap is needed but honestly I’ve got no idea what would work.

That's some bad news. I wonder if you can put the corals in an acclimation box to keep them safe until you catch the little red devils. I think people use bottle traps with mysis or something similar to catch them. My guys also really like sinking carnivore pellets.
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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Not gonna lie, I’ve spilled some wet skimmate in my attempts to get the cup off. I’ve taken to siphoning the water out of the cup before removal now. Lessons learned.

Been going he turkey baster route but I'm thinking of adapting one of those rubber casserole lid holders or box bands or something to anchor the lid so the cup can be removed safely. It's inevitable, you try to remove that skimmer cup and no matter how careful you are it always goes "pop" right at the end lol


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Been going he turkey baster route but I'm thinking of adapting one of those rubber casserole lid holders or box bands or something to anchor the lid so the cup can be removed safely. It's inevitable, you try to remove that skimmer cup and no matter how careful you are it always goes "pop" right at the end lol
Turkey baster is what I use. It does get better after a while though. I took it off the other day without any spillage.
Top Shelf Aquatics
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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It's been over three months since my NuvoSkim pump died. At that time IM said they didn't have pumps in stock and would contact me when they did (spoiler alert, still no pumps in stock). Glad I didn't wait around! I can't believe the difference in performance with the PLS-50. I just cleaned it because I was starting to note a hint of "eau de skimmer" in the room. I wish this pump a long life although I feel like I wouldn't have too hard a time finding a suitable replacement if it does die since it seems to be a fairly standard configuration. I do wish it was a tad quieter but I'm just happy to have a skimmer that's actually doing the job.

Got a new coral yesterday, finally went for it and ordered my Purple Candelabra.


I have no idea how I'm going to mount it. The coral is way bigger than I anticipated (not that I'm complaining) and has a really crazy huge frag plug. I think I'm going to grab a big piece of rubble to create a base for it and put it down in the sand, which leaves me still looking for something cool to grow on the barnacle rock. Shucks darn, more coral shopping!
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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Well, I'm glad I brought it up then!

I'm looking at going with 3x of the gen 4 xr15 pro's for the SR80. Hopefully that will do the job. I guess if not, I can add a 4th.

I'm running a gen 4 xr30 pro over my 25 lagoon currently. Mostly because I was using that paired with a 4 bulb Aquatic life T5 fixture over my 50 lagoon so I just used what I had. I think it maxes out at 25 or 30% peak intensity. ;Hilarious

This is one thing I do like about the xr15 solution is that it should scale nicely if I move up to a 75g or 100g. Of course by then they will be at gen56 plasma lights and I won't want this antiquated technology! ;Hilarious


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This is one thing I do like about the xr15 solution is that it should scale nicely if I move up to a 75g or 100g. Of course by then they will be at gen56 plasma lights and I won't want this antiquated technology! ;Hilarious
Haha! I even thought that with the gen 4’s. Was it worth it to buy them when the gen 5’s are out? But, I did end up picking up 3x XR15 Gen 4 pro’s yesterday. The gen 4 xr30 pro on the 25 lagoon is still going strong so should be fine.

So, I’ll be with you, still running these old things when the Gen56 comes out!
Calm Blue Ocean

Calm Blue Ocean

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Nice looking gorg! Always liked those.

I ordered it from Seahorse Savvy. I'd never ordered from there before but they have a really nice selection of gorgonians and I'd seen them mentioned a few times here on R2R. Shipping costs kinda suck when you're ordering just one coral so it was really nice to open the box and find such a nice big healthy one.

Trying out another place I've never ordered from. I ordered 'pods and phyto from Reef Nutrition. I think between the wrasses and the amphipods my copepod population is about zero so hopefully we can get them going again.

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  • Full colony.

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