1) Problem: (Growing Despair)
3) Last Friday
After listening for months to BRS videos advocating the virtues of bare bottom, dry rock cycling, last Friday they put out a video saying they personally had now abandoned that approach
4) Two questions rear their ugly heads (Advice?)
A) Is my cycle normal or broken?
Is my unchanging cycle conditions unfortunately "normal" for a sterile cycle?
Or how likely is it, that I may have introduced some sort of bacteria killer to my system?
B) Cycle tank: Keep going or restart?
Should I just add the sand and live bacteria to the existing 7 week tank to push it to finally cycle?
Or does no drop in ammonia levels and the absence of any nitrite/nitrate indicate something is killing my bacteria
and given time, would kill Dr. Tim's live bacteria too?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer.
A: If you think your cycle is broken I would insist on hormone therapy to bring it back to 'normal'. (I have a video on line that explains all this.)
B: A sterile cycle is impossible. A tank requires microbial life to thrive. "Sterile" is a concept you need to purge, imo.
Brandon may be on to something