Howdy. I’m ~6 weeks post cycle, 4 happy fish, Marco rock, Arag-‘alive’ sand, pods, dosing phyto, no coral, super limited slow ramp up photoperiod. 140 gal. total system. I had insanely low Alk at ~ <4 on Hanna (outside of range on Trident) until I started using a Sodium Bicarbonate slurry per BRS calcs to increase Alk by 1 dKH daily topping out at ~7.5. Since then I’ve noticed .5 dKH consumption daily. Hanna and Trident are tracking similarly. TM Pro salt, so low ~6.3 dKH to begin with. 2 gal daily AWC. No apparent precipitate. I’ve read a lot of posts here and it looks like the consensus is keep dosing to a lower Alk and wait for everything to settle/balance. Okay to continue on with Sodium Bicarbonate slurry daily or every other day? All parameters are stable aside Alk per above. Should I be doing anything else?
THANKS for your input and advice.