40 gallon breeder first reef tank


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I have been freshwater keeping for a few years, and I have just started cycling my first saltwater aquarium. I know I have a lot to still learn, and it's going to take some time, but I'm ok with that and excited to start reefing!

Equipment so far:
40 gallon breeder
40 pounds of live rock
Tidal 75
Eheim jagar 150w heater
Hygger mini wavemaker 20watt 2600gph (might get a second)
Seachem Stability
Seachem Prime
Instant ocean salt
1.5-2inch Crib sea aragamax sandbed

I was looking for suggestions as to which light would be budgetish but good enough for a mixed reef. I am eventually thinking of moving up to Since I am new to reef keeping the plan is to let the tank be a fowlr tank for a few months until I am more used to reefing/the tank has matured until corals.

I was also wondering if there was anything extra I should put in the Tidal 75? I currently have the media that it came with, a pack of bio balls and some carbon. I was thinking filter floss, or possibly later a hob refugium with chaeto for copepods

I am in no rush to add fish so I'm going to add slowly for both the tank and budgeting. I was also wondering what are people's thoughts about stocking. I was hoping to add 7 maybe 8 fish out of this list, though I know it doesn't always work that way.
I was also wondering if there was a way to tell if you have a good current flow or not?
This is my current wish list, I know that the tank can/will probably look different
Inverts/Clean up (28)
1 Conch
1 Tuxedo Urchin
1 Pistol Shrimp
1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
1 Pom Pom Crab
3 small red leg
3 small blue leg
1 Turbo Snail
4 Cerithium Snail
4 Trochus Snails
4 Nassarius Snails

Fish 6-8 iffffff 9 great if not I'm not worried!
1 Royal Gramma
1 Pink-Streaked Wrasse
1 Blue-Green Chromis
2 Clownfish
1 Firefish
1 Mandarin
1 Longnose Hawkfish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 pajama cardinal
1 tail spot blenny

One of either
Anemone • bubble Tip
Clam • squamosa

Simularia Leather
Weeping Willow "Toadstool"
Xenia Soft Gorgonian
Green Star Polyps "GSP"
Candy Cane

Any advice would be much appreciated! I know this will take a while to both learn and create but it's also exciting. If there are any questions I am more than happy to answer. I know that this is a lot of info to both give someone and to receive but I would rather ask before than something happen later.I will also post a photo later when I get home.
Thank you!!


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Goodluck!! And Happy Reefing!

If you get a mandarin look for captive breed. You’ll have an easier time getting them to eat frozen or pellet. Otherwise they’ll most likely starve to death. Natural diet is mostly copepods.