Hello all, I’ve read forum after forum and read all of the nightmare stories of trying to hold clowns together. After lots of talk with my lfs owner we have decided to try and set my tank up to hold 4 clowns. (He has successfully done this) This whole ordeal started yesterday. Picked up a pair of black storms to share my tank with my pair of standard ocellaris clowns. What I did was put my ocellaris pair in a breeder box in the tank and move some rocks around and place the black storms in the tank. The idea behind this was to make the tank seem new to my established pair but also let them see each other in a controlled way. They were instantly curious of each other. When it came time for the lights to turn off, some time later I found the black storms sleeping under the breeder box. They were maybe 2 inches apart just separated by some acrylic. This morning I found that my male ocellaris clown had escaped the box through a tiny slit and was swimming with the storms peacefully. His female companion did not like this and was extremely stressed in the breeder. He actually made his way back into the box on his own as well. (Blew my mind) This got me curious and my plan was to hold them like this for about a week but I decided this morning to go ahead and let them out to see what would happen. It’s going extremely well. The clowns have all been together for going on 2 hours and there has been 0 aggressive behavior. They aren’t even sticking by their mates side. Everyone is swimming around freely and even with the opposite pairs partners at some points. I only have a 3ft long 22 gallon tank so my expectations were not high for this working but I had to have the black storms they are beautiful. I do have another tank set up and ready just incase but I have a good feeling about this.