Needing some help with this pinwheel/plate coral. Ive had it just about 3 weeks now, for the first week or so it was doing “ok” but it’s pretty steadily going downhill. I’ve had it in multiple places in the tank. Currently in a lower/med flow area with about 75-100 par. Tried feeding Reefroids...
I have a 75g reef tank (48” long) and I’m wondering if I can get a small copperband in my tank. I did some research and most places recommend them for over 125 gallons. However, I have seen many reefers that have one under 125g and they seem to do well. I know they are difficult to feed and may...
Can anyone help me with the haziness in my water? All parameters are perfect socks are clean and diatom blooms have passed twice. The tank has been up for 6-7 weeks have 7 fish and a few corals. The haziness seems to be whitish in color And I feel like I can see the particles when I look close...
So I had a blue maxima clam way back when I first started my current tank, 5 or 6 years ago. Unfortunately, I was under-educated and new to reefing. I had a fish in the tank that quickly killed it by nipping at the mantle. So I have been getting the itch again to try again and see if I can be...