I currently run the 20K BLV Nepturion 250W SE bulb over my tank. Couple of months ago I used to run the 14.5K Gisemann bulb. I have measured PAR from both and obviously the 20K bulb has less ( about 100) PAR when compared to the 14.5K bulb. Not too concerned about PAR, but I think growth is slower on the 20K bulbs ( I am not 100 percent about this). I also think certain Acros appreciated the 14k spectrum better. I want to change it back to 14.5k, but worried that the change might cause issues. I am new to MH ( only used LEDs prior to this), so wanted to get some opinions about any ill effects from changing it back ? Will it stunt growth for some time ? Also could you review the spectrum difference ? Is there any use in changing at all given I think the additional PAR on the 14.5K seems to be in the yellow/green wavelengths ?
PAR and spectrum from the Giesemann 14.5K bulb -
PAR and spectrum from the 20K BLV Nepturion -
PAR and spectrum from the Giesemann 14.5K bulb -
PAR and spectrum from the 20K BLV Nepturion -