water change

  1. H

    Salt Water for your garden

    Anyone ever test their salt water diluted in their garden? I know of many plants that are in constant need of the same nutrients that is in the water we have left over from the changes.
  2. Mike Arnold

    DOS "dose" profile settings for 25 gallon WC

    I'm trying to figure out the settings to perform a 25 gallon water change profile that I will add to my AWC DOS pump head configuration. This is my current DOS_ADD configuration Fallback OFF tdata 08:00:00,1,18,3,133,2,88,84,3,157,0,0,10,0 If KILL CLOSED Then OFF If H2O CLOSED Then OFF If...
  3. Dad2Wyatt

    Should I top off my water before doing a water change to adjust salinity?

    So finals are looming for me so Ive been swamped with college work the past couple days and haven’t been topping my water off (I know I know ATO). I’ve been testing my water daily this week trying to determine my nutrient intake. With today being day 7 I finally started to see a drop in...
  4. R

    Kanaplex usage up to 3 doses

    My seahorse is suffering from snout rot and I've been using Kanaplex to heal her. It says up to 3 doses and I hit that 3rd dose yesterday. Can I repeat a 4th, and possibly a 5th dose if need be? Do I need to change the water out if I can do the 4th dose?
  5. S

    do you suck? (siphon jiggler)

    hey sorry about the heading... i saw this on youtube he was using a 'jiggler' to start the siphon, which seemed to be a great idea, but it's made of metal. after some research, it's used for fuel tanks etc and made up of lead or some form of metal question: would it be safe to use in the...
  6. Diveks

    Phosphate spike after waterchanges?

    I am not sure if this is a stupid question or not but ive have noticed my tank has crazy phosphate spikes after every change. maybe stirring the sand up too much or something? The new water always tests 0 phosphate (i am using hanna) but after the water change it can go up to 0.8-1 which...
  7. S

    'passive' water changes - good or bad idea?

    let me try to explain. i'm sure it's been covered in the past by someone, but wasn't able to find the exact term used when doing a preliminary search so, i've been looking at making water changes less laborious. would it be advisable to take water out, and then just put water back in, OR adding...
  8. Captain Hook

    EMERGENCY So I messed up.... BAD!!! Please help!

    I got motor oil in the tank.... I’m gonna try and keep this as short as possible and provide as much info as could be needed to help find a potential solution. I have a 1 year old 30gal half moon, mixed reef with a HOB filter. Roughly 30lbs or more of live rock, and 20lbs of sand maybe more...
  9. Karen00

    How do I do water changes on pod culture tank without sucking out all the pods?

    Hello fellow saltines, This might be a stupid question (or at least a newbie question) but how do people do water changes on their pod culture tanks? I know a lot of people keep pods in their sumps/fuges so maybe this problem isn't applicable but for people maintaining separate culture tanks...
  10. ClownFish664

    water change advice

    Ok, so I have a nano reef, its 50L having some algae issues at the moment. But my nitrates and phosphates of course go up over time. How often and how big of a water change should be performed on such a system. It does not use a protein skimmer and is LPS only. After noticing my nitrates and...
  11. G

    Water Change

    Hi I'm new to the saltwater hobby and was wondering how would a water change be done on bigger aquariums (100 gallon +) Can I get a step by step guide? thanks!
  12. N

    "Foodsafe" Water storage Vs Not - Does it really matter?

    My reef has (very nearly) made it to the first year mark - a personal milestone - and despite a few "exciting" moments, we're doing ok and hanging in there... I store 100 litres (Metric, sorry - I'm in Australia) of RODI water in a rainwater barrel that I bought from the gardening section of a...
  13. nivekid

    Mixing Station Explanation & Instructions

    Hello all, I'm currently in the process of buying a house. This house has a concrete floored room that will be my first ever fish room. I would like to set up a nice mixing station like a see so many of you have. Does anyone know of a good write up on how these mixing stations are plumbed, how...
  14. M

    Brown deposits in mixed water

    Hi all. I set up a new tank last month and this is the first time I got my water from my LFS to do a water change tomorrow(4gallon water change, approx 25% of tank volume ). However I see that there is a brown deposit in the container(pic attached). Please let me know if I need to worry about...
  15. tailoftwogobies

    sea hares / sea slugs

    hi y’all… we were in our LFS today and overheard the owner telling his main guy that he found the ‘sea slug dead’ in one of their tanks and they need to immediately do a water change & that the water was cloudy in that tank due to the slug dying.. we have one in our sump and i’m curious, if it...
  16. Nanolifeuk

    Pre-cycle water change (W/ fish) ?

    Hi all just a quick one currently coming to end of week 1, no sign of cycling yet (two clownfish) - planning on doing a water change at 2 weeks, should I still do this change if there is no sign of cycle beginning? Or should I wait until ammonia and nitrites have both risen and fallen before...
  17. Lex_510

    0 Nitrates, should I stop skimmer

    I have 0 nitrates, I’m running a fuge with cheato for 5hrs a day and now I’m wondering if I should turn off my Protein Skimmer??? The 75g tank has been running for 2-1/2 months with live rock- 4 clown fish, 1 yellow tank and a few clean up crew, and have a good amount of soft coral. Anythjng I...
  18. I

    To pico or not to pico?

    Hello, This is my first time posting here, so thanks in advance for the advice. I've been in the saltwater hobby for eight years and I'm moving out to college in a few months. I have a 2.5 gallon glass aquarium (w/ HoB filter & clip-on LED light), and I was thinking about setting up a pico...
  19. I

    College pico reef?

    Hello, This is my first time posting a question, so thanks ahead of time for your responses! I'm looking forward to learning here... I've been in the saltwater hobby for 8 years and I'll be moving out to college in a few months. I was looking to set up a pico reef using a 2.5 gallon glass...
  20. G

    Water Mixing Setup Design Help

    Hello R2R! So I am getting ready to set up a "smart" water mixing station. With that, I am in the beginning stages of planning the design. I have my hands on 3 65-gal pickling containers, so those will be my storage containers. 2 drums will be stacked on each other (connected with PVC) for...
  21. J

    Water changes with Dos

    Hey everyone, I just recently got an apex and am looking to set up some auto water changes with the dos system and have a couple questions: -If I have a 20g tank, is it hurtful to do a 1 gallon a day water change? I currently do a manual water change about once a week with 4 gallons or so...
  22. G

    Water change schedule for 20g tank

    HI everyone, So I've been doing a weekly water change of 20% which is ~4gallons weekly. However, many people in the hobby have told me that that is too much and probably do 20% every 2 weeks. I like my weekly maintenance but should I make that 10% instead? I have like 15+ LPS corals, 3 fish...
  23. Lex_510

    Using RO water

    Hello, So I’m setting up a new 75 gallon tank with sump and I need a lot of water Fill it in. There’s a Water Mart a Water filter Store that sales filter RO water that is abt 2-4 TDS. Is that ok to use for a mix reef set up? Is it bad or good??
  24. codee

    Using a inexpensive utility sump pump to move water from Brute?

    Does anyone use an inexpensive utility sump pump to move saltwater from their Brute (or mixing station) up to their tank? I need a pump with at least 15 of head height, as I'm pushing water up the stairs from the basement. Most of these utility pumps do not indicate if they are safe pushing...
  25. joshharmony

    Hi nitrates 90 Gallon tank fowlr advice

    Hi all, new here. I’d love some guidance/advice from aquarists who might be able to help me figure out how to bring nitrates down in my tank. My tank is little over a year old. 90 gallon with a 30 gallon refugium, protein skimmer, with some Chateo growing beneath... The tank previously housed a...
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