
  1. Ramiro Casal

    Please help my flame angel is messed up

    So I thought my flame angel had velvet after I added him to my tank. Now after 12 hours and a freshwater dip he has this at the end of his fins. Is it still velvet and what should I do now I have copper treatment and food supplemented with garlic and a liquid to help with slime coat. Please help...
  2. kesh

    Different cupramine (drops per gallon) directions? just had a velvet outbreak. i got cupramine and dosed the 1st dose. I followed the direction on bottle label. My label says 20 drops per gallon. My label corresponds to that on seachem website. But i see ppl commenting 16 drops per gallon, 10 drops per gallon. Did I overdose? What is the...
  3. AwildcatsZ

    Blue Velvet Nudibranch vs Red Planaria

    Things are getting out of control with Red Planaria in my 29 gallon reef tank. I've tried it all...manual removal which seems to be a daily chore, Flatworm eXit (multiple occasions), 12 line wrasse (casually grazes on them), but whatever I try I still find patches of flatworms on my rock work...
  4. Glissfish21

    CP Treatment for Velvet?

    Hi, I suspect that my Copperband Butterfly might have velvet. I was going to treat him with Cupramine, but then I read something about CP. I'm interested to know more about it, but I have no idea where to look. If anyone has used this treatment before, I'd love it if you could share your...
  5. Megan Mathis

    Any tips on battling velvet in a reef tank?

    I have been battling in my reef tank what i thought was ich that came from a very well known vender 2 separate times now. The first time i had a die off but it went away and other fish seemed healthy. Any ich medicine i have dosed in for the previous time and for this time seem to not work. It...
  6. Reefahholic

    Lymphocystis- the common viral disease with no cure.

  7. Reefahholic

    CHEMetrics Copper Tests Kits

    The only Copper Test Kits I really trust.
  8. Reefahholic

    My new QT treatment logic.

    So now I'm changing my game plan on most new arrivals. I've been dosing CP (40mg) during TTM coupled with Prazipro. I feel it's about the safest route to go considering that nearly all fish I've seen lately have a Parasite, Flukes, Bacterial infection, Viral infection, etc, etc. We know that...
  9. Reefahholic

    Brooklynella, Uronema, & Velvet. Same bank...all in same system.

    Party in Houston, Texas! Yee Haw!
  10. seastar

    Do you have Velvet?

    I have purchased fish twice this year, once in May and again in late December of 2016. BOTH lots got wiped out by velvet. Like an idiot I tried TTM on my Anthias because surely the distributors have worked things out by now right? Nope, got Velvet, total QT wipeout. It's so disheartening, it's...
  11. TANK TERROR: Identifying And Treating Marine Velvet

    TANK TERROR: Identifying And Treating Marine Velvet

    The reef aquarium hobby is not for the faint of heart. Maintaining a complex ecosystem can be a daunting task with many variables in play that all have effect on one another. However, beyond the effort to maintain the ecosystem and address common day-to-day issues, there are catastrophic...