
  1. VanCityReef

    Can you mix copper and prazi?? Clownfish & 6-Line

    Hey guys, I'm currently quarantining two small clownfish and one small 6-line wrasse. Over the course of a week I have slowly been bringing them up to therapeutic levels of copper. I am noticing that both clowns have white stringy poop which, (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) are symptoms...
  2. B

    Need help with treating my decorated rabbitfish in qt

    Back story I've been searching for this fish for months happened to walk into a lfs I've never been to before and they had it. It was in a tank with a tang and its fins were torn. Bought it anyway because I couldn't find it anywhere else. However this is how the fins healed these same things are...
  3. Tristan

    Clownfish ulcer?!

    Hey everyone. I got a juvenile frostbite clown back in June. Starting maybe 2-3 months ago, I noticed that she would occasionally rub her left side against the sand bed. I tried to look for any signs of ich or anything else, but nothing. I finally noticed today that there appears to be an ulcer...
  4. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  5. Sleeping Giant

    Green Hair Algae

    If you do have or did have GHA, do you prefer a natural way of removing it with a clean up crew and manual removal by hand and suchion. Or do you prefer to use chemicals?
  6. BighohoReef

    HLLE on my Tang?

    Reading, comparing, treating... I went to FishMD and am self-diagnosing my Kole which I think has HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease) He has patches on the underside near the left side flipper. I started treating him with beta glucan I can't keep him still long enough to take a...
  7. squidisme

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has been doing this since last thursday. Please help.

    Hi there guys! I hear this group is very helpful and I definitely could use some help. Testing parameters: 0.0 ammonia 0.0 nitrites 0.1 nitrates 7.6 dkh 420 calcium 0.15 phos 1350 mag 1.025 salinity My clownfish has been swimming around and laying at the bottom. It’s like his back half...
  8. Lillmoya

    Sargassum refugium?

    Anyone ever try to make refugium using sargassum since it’s so readily available on the beach? What should I treat with to avoid the hitchhikers and icky stuff? I was planning on using paraguard by Seachem for a couple of weeks and letting it grow in a tub before introducing it to the system...
  9. alimac122

    Possible Parasite??

    So I just got these mocha vinic clowns last week. They seemed to be doing well, and eating. On eats and spits out the pellets or just eats the tiny stray mysis legs that float around after the others demolish the mysis. So little to no nutritional value. However, today I actually REALLY watched...
  10. Sipec

    Treating flukes: questions

    My fish have flukes and I have some questions on treatment Is a freshwater dip necessary? How safe is it to treat with prazi pro in tank? I have various lps and soft corals and a pocilopora, no inverts except a snail and amphipods. Should I worry about the pods? How do I treat and for how long...
  11. Beng2003

    Update on my tank. Please help

    I recently posted about my experience with my first tank and how the first clownfish I brought home looked to have ick. Some time has gone by with no response and Wyoming white has just passed now. What should I do
  12. Beng2003

    First ick encounter

    A few weeks ago I decided to try my first saltwater tank. After getting everything set up and letting the tank cycle for a couple of weeks I decided to add a small clownfish with some turbo start. The next morning I noticed some white dots on its fins but they seemed to go away and his diet was...
  13. CmbFish

    What is this on my Naso Tang?

    Hi, I bought this guy the two days ago. I noticed this spot yesterday and was very faint. Today it has gotten darker and maybe pushing out against it's skin. I don't remember seeing this when I purchased it. He is picking at the rock, has eaten some seaweed and some frozen brine shrimp. He is...
  14. 2

    Copper Resistant Velvet??

    Hello Everyone! I wish I had a more exciting discussion topic for my first post on R2R but we deal with the hand we are dealt. I recently decided to get back into the hobby after being out of it for almost 10 years (tragic story there). Either way, I decided I wanted to do it 100% the right way...
  15. Kerbash

    Elegance Coral Syndrome: Treatment Log

    Background I came home from work today and was treated with my nightmare. One of my favorite coral, the elegance contracted the "Elegance Coral Syndrome". So I'm making this post regarding the treatment that I'll do and the results, fingers crossed, as a reference people who are having the same...
  16. Xxflounderxx

    chevron tang bacterial infection?

    I came home from work today and saw my chevron tang had some Mark's on the side of it. My dogface puffer also seems to have a little cloudy spot on his fin. I think it my be a bacterial infection. I have a 155 gallon with a 40 gallon sump not shoe what I should do.
  17. Perpetual Novice

    Using ich to treat ich

    I know the ich life cycle. I know what will kill it and what won’t. I know how to treat a tank that has ich in it. But I don’t treat the ich in my 30 gallon biocube. I’ve seen ich at its worst. Infecting almost every fish and multiplying rapidly. But the ich in my tank has never been very...
  18. Bertbreaksnecks

    Fluconazole treatment

    So about I week ago I had dosed my tank for Bryopsis using the Fluconazole method, however my question is—- it has for sure started dying but the majority of it is actually growing on the glass, can I just scrape it off the glass and let the filter do it’s thing? It shouldn’t land and spread...
  19. NoLobster

    Clownfish Infected?

    I added a piece of macro algae to my tank yesterday evening and my one fish in the tank (clownfish) now has bumps near his gills the following morning. Did I introduce a parasite? Any help with IDing it would be helpful. The tank is just the clownfish and a piece of macro algae. Tank is 1.5...
  20. G

    Sulfate Hydroxychloroquine Treatment

    ¿Alguien ha usado este medicamento? ¿Cuál sería la dosis en tabletas de 400 mg? Translated by the moderation team: Has anyone used this medicine? What would be the dose in 400 mg tablets? Please note, the language of the forum is english. We understand that english is not everyones first...
  21. M

    Losing battle against algae, help with next steps

    Hi guys I have been fighting this battle against algae for the last 8 months and I can't find a way to make it recede. It has been always getting worse and now it is at the point that the wife is having seconds thoughts about having the tank. I will try to post as much detail as I can, let me...
  22. 00Barracuda00

    Brooklynella Treatment

    Snagged everything from my LFS that came recommended from these forums, but each med was only an alternative to the main treatments. I know with brook it’s important to treat immediately so I’m just going with what I’ve got. I’ve got a 5 gal bucket. Just started the air stone. My intent...
  23. 00Barracuda00

    Dosing Food?

    I'd like to start by thanking everyone on this forum for the help found in these posts. There's so much information that a quick search yields SO MUCH HELP! I have a question about dosing foods, specifically. Most of the products mentioned here that fix internal parasites (white stringy poop)...
  24. S

    Does my Cowfish have ich.

    I recently got my Cowfish 2 weeks ago. I put this little guy in my 40 gallon and planning to upgrade my tank soon. Does my Cowfish have ich? What do I do? do I have to quarantine or can I put treatment in my current fish only tank. In tank: 2 clownfish, one cleaning shrimp, 2 firefish, 2...
  25. ReefMeUpScotty

    Help treating velvet tonight!

    Please forgive me if this should be under disease treatment instead but I posted here since I’m treating tonight and need help ASAP. I have a DT that’s 65g and was a mixed reef tank. I converted it to fowlr about three months ago. I added a porcupine puffer that came from a local reefer that was...