
  1. ShrimpBandit

    Can I save this rock flower?

    I've had two rock flowers in my new-ish tank since December. They appear to be healthy and happy. I added a third a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed to settle right in. A few days ago, however, I noticed that the new one looked stressed. It's gotten progressively worse, retracting to half the...
  2. Gonj

    yellow tang with ick????

    Hey all, so I’ve had this yellow tang in my tank since September 25,2021 he’s been doing great eats both the frozen food and algae I put in the tank. I recently introduced a fire fish and sand sifting goby late December who are also eating well. Today I noticed these marks on my tang, none of my...
  3. adamlodge14

    Firefish with white spot

    Hi, I’m having a problem at the moment with white-spot in my 50 litre saltwater aquarium. About 1 month ago I bought two coral gobies for my tank that both ended up introducing ich. I started immediately treating with polyp lab reef medic to try to help (I also have a purple Firefish, scooter...
  4. K

    Marine Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Brook or other

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  5. Sleepydoc

    Red Planaria Life Cycle/Treatment

    I've been dealing with a Red Planaria outbreak for several months. My initial goal was to use biological methods, however after killing 2 yellow Coris wrasses :( I decided to suck it up and use Flatworm Exit. I just completed my first treatment that appears to have been successful. My question...
  6. jskidds2294

    Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

    Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added...
  7. WheatToast

    A Very Inefficient Method of Treating Aiptaisa

    Here is A Very Inefficient Method of Treating Aiptaisa I discovered a few weeks ago on accident… for anyone who is curious: 1. Submerge infested rock within sand 2. Wait for Aiptasia to detach from submerged rock and crawl towards the surface of the sandbed 3. Scoop up the Aiptasia As this...
  8. diamondreef

    Dino? Best way to treat?

    Just noticed these small silver balls and a reddish brown film .. more on the back of my rock. How do I stop this from spreading!?
  9. B

    How likely is fallow successful? Better to restart?

    Ich and velvet out break, I am reading mixed reviews on fallow success. I have no fish left a couple corals and snails in a 20 gallon that is about 6 months old. I don’t want to wait a full 76 days if the chance of it failing is likely. I’ve read tomonts can go dormant, survive past 76 days and...
  10. Alex C

    GHA or Worse?

    Hello! I am facing some type of algae that I’m having a hard time eradicating and properly identifying. But first some tank back ground. My tank is a Red Sea reefer 425xl. It has been running for 148 days. Up until last week my nitrates and phosphates had bottomed out to 0. As such I have...
  11. FoxFaceClown

    Marine Velvet - Fallow Period and Resistant Fish

    Hello, three weeks ago I had an outbreak of marine velvet and lost most of my fish. I'm left with just my inverts as well as a yellow coris wrasse, a foxface and a blue hippo tang that I assume are resistant to velvet, they currently look healthy and don't have any symptoms. I'm considering...
  12. mikmarie

    EMERGENCY Possible Swim Bladder

    I’m new to saltwater and recently added two clownfish after cycling my tank for a few months. All levels were normal when I added them, and they’ve been eating well. Before tonight, this fish was swimming normally and breathing normally. Now, it’s at the bottom of the tank and breathing rapidly...
  13. HaydenS13reefer

    EMERGENCY Help identifying Ich or Velvet

    Hi Everyone, Wanted to get any suggestions if my Scopas Tang has ich or velvet and what my next possible steps should be. First time with a tang from my local LFS that had it quarantined before getting. I got him on Friday and he's been eating great and showing no signs of stress. Went out for...
  14. Xxflounderxx

    Need help identifying

    Ok so I have a pretty in depth QT regiment following humble fish to a T using copper for 30 days the prazi for 14 days. It looks like a few of my fish have gotten white bumps but it looks like it's under the skin not on top like ick usually is. It's hard to see you have to be at the right angle...
  15. T

    What’s ailing my damsel

    I had 3 azure damsels in quarantine for 3 weeks doing well. My lfs got 4 more in so I snagged them and added them to the quarantine tank. I put a divider in the quarantine just I case. The four recently added have slowed died over the course of a week and a half. I’m not sure what’s causing...
  16. Gonj

    Hole in Wrasse?!

    I noticed my wrasse had a little hole in hit top fin yesterday, didn’t think much of it dismissed it as probably scuffing himself up while burying himself. Today the hole is considerably larger and he has a white circle in his side. I have 4 other fish none of which show similar symptoms and the...
  17. Gonj

    What’s on my Blenny??

    Had this Blenny for about a week now and I check on him daily, today I noticed this large ball on its fin. Any ideas what this could be, should I isolate it is it contagious, treatment ideas? Anything helps photos below thank you!
  18. R

    Bristle Tooth tang acting weird

    I woke up today and my bristle tooth tang has mostly just been hanging out on the bottom. This is really unusual and I’m worried he might be sick. What do y’all think?
  19. Gonj

    What is this?!

    This is my old dt I haven’t gotten to emptying yet but I noticed this on the glass never seen anything like it. Any idea what this could be ? I used the live rock from this tank hoping it’s not anything bad I just put in my new tank.
  20. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  21. E

    Ultra life blue green stain remover

    I just purchased this to treat my reef tank but now that I read the pictures it doesn’t say reef safe, does anyone know if this is reef safe or safe for corals? I have used the red slime one but not this one I don’t know if it makes a difference or not
  22. Tim'sReef

    Is this ICH in my DT?

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on my new tank and 2 clowns. The fish have been added 5 days ago. For a little while all was looking well but now i'm worried for the small clown. Both off the clowns had white stringy poo in the first days and didn't eat much. The larger clown is now eating...
  23. StevieShizzlesBE

    Milbemax (Kittens) - Display Tank Treatment Dosage?

    Who has used milbemax in their displaytank and had succesfull results? I've been battling white bugs for a while now and i have come to a point i want to treat the whole tank and get rid of them once and for all.. They left my euphyllia alone and switched to my goniopora.. I already have got my...
  24. leejoohoonie

    potential ich treatment? (need some second opinions)

    Hello Reef2reef community! I wanted to start a thread pertaining to a research paper that I found online about C.irritans and a potential treatment option. Here is a link to the document -> In their abstract, they...
  25. polyppal

    POLL: What products do you consider 'essentials'?

    We all know there are tons of additives/treatments/supplements in this hobby... Some have proven their worth and others have been branded 'snake oil'... Using the poll tell us what bottles are considered 'essentials' in your fishroom (pick your top 4). If there's one that's not mentioned in the...
Premium Algae Scrubbers from Turbo's Aquatics!