
  1. New2Reefn

    Tang vs Clam

    My tang is "surfing" one of my clams. Should I be worried or is he just playing? I have 3 clams and this is the only one the tang has an interest in. This is happening daily and the tang and the banghai seem to fight over the territory.
  2. Kyle Soto

    WHAT to do with Blue Tang in 65 gallon tank

    I recently purchased a 65 gallon Red Sea tank on Offerup. The owner was including all of his livestock along with the tank. One of the fish included was a fairly large blue tang (about 6-7 inches). I understand that he is likely too large for this tank but I had no choice but to take him. What...
  3. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Tang Dead, Microscope Autopsy. Help ID.

    Are there anything in these findings that would've killed my tang? He was breathing kinda fast starting yesterday or the day before...He died this morning. If you have suggestions I could go back and try to get a better picture of something. @vetteguy53081 Let me know if I should take...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    EMERGENCY Sailfin Tang breathing fast and pale.

    What do I do? I've been dosing prazi pro. Done 3 doses already so I doubt it is flukes or worms. I haven't seen him scrape or anything. He's not swimming too much, he seems lethargic. The video is right after most of the food was gone. He ate some but not as much as normal. Ill try and do a...
  5. W

    New type of hybrid Bristletooth tang ?

    I am open to any fish expert on this type of tang. I expect 1/2 is bristletooth type and other 1/2 like kole.
  6. JAAngelo

    Blue Tang Tank Size

    Hi: This is my first post. I am also new to reefing. I have a 55g tank and have 2 mocha clowns, a fire fish, and a lawnmower blenny. I also have a torch, montiporas, and favia. Along with a long tentacle anemone. My daughter wants me to get Dory. I understand that after a while, I will need to...
  7. adittam

    80 gallon lagoon upgrade - stocking plan

    Hi all - So my current tank is a 46 gallon bowfront (take a look by clicking on my build thread badge!), and I’ll be upgrading soon to an 80 gallon 48” long x 24” wide x 16” tall tank. My plan is to have it aquascaped a little more open than my current tank so there is more open swimming room...
  8. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  9. AquariumDomain

    Build Thread 600 gallon DIY Reef Slope Aquarium Build

    I had been using my 600 gallon aquarium to grow out Shaks / Rays / Groupers for my 1800 gallon Predator Bay tank. Now that all the fish are moved over, that leaves the 600 gallon ready to be made into its own thing, a Reef Slope aquarium. Aquarium Specs: - 600 gallon DIY aquarium 72" x 48" x...
  10. oneilwiz

    Maryland Virginia Washington, D.C. Salfin Tang for Sale

    Salfin Tang for sale, local pick up Only. Eats seaweed, regular algae etc. asking price $40 location: Northern Virginia
  11. J

    Help Diagnose? White spot on Tang dorsal fin.

    Tang is healthy and fine, normal behavior, just unaware what that small white spot is... Want to be able to treat if something serious.
  12. H

    Sailfin Tang Rapid Breathing

    Hi all, I'm really struggling to diagnose what's wrong with my sailfin tang. Video here, for reference. https://photos.app.goo.gl/c8uhYJnE43gBVjk37 This tang is breathing very quickly, which is definitely quite concerning to me. On Saturday I brought an info hammer home from my LFS. I had...
  13. caribbean reefing

    What kinda tang is this from Mexico

    Anyone know what kinda tang this is ? Down here the locals call it a pepermint tang ‍♂️ what yall think! He is wild caught/collected it also hase some sort of fin rot ? Or what can that be ?
  14. caribbean reefing

    Hello Introducing myself

    Canadian caribbean reefer here Living in Playa del Carmen, Mexico I love reefing and collecting my own fish and inverts, No LFS here so everything is from the beach Got a lot to learn and a lot to ask Glad to be part of this group
  15. Oseans Reef

    Build Thread 90G Softy Gangbang

    The current setup is a 75G tank with a corner overflow with a wet dry sump modified for a refugium area. Eshops skimmer, gyre pumps and Aqueon return pump. Current tank stock includes Tomini Tang, 2 damsels, 3 oscellaris clownfish, serpent starts, Harlequin Basslet, soft corals and mini carpet...
  16. Edison Coltro

    Help identify Disease.

    Hey guys, So three days ago I noticed some spots on my sailfin tang skin. This fish has been with me for almost 5 months now and eats really well. The only symptom i've seen is scratching agains the rocks . Any ideas as to what it is? Parameters are: Amonia - 0 Nitrites - 0,25 Nitrates - 5 Kh...
  17. T

    Pair of yellow tangs?

    I’m working on a 200 gallon peninsula and have an existing 4-5 inch blue tang in my existing tank with other community fish that will move to the new tank. I anticipate finishing the build in 2-3 months. I wanted to see what people’s thoughts are getting two Biota yellow tangs now into my...
  18. jbholasingh

    Yellow fish for a 20 gallon. Stocking ideas?

    So I have a 20 gallon and my sister insists we need a yellow tang. I've already had to break it to her that the tank is waaaayy too small for yellow tang or any tang in general. I was considering a Midas blenny as an alternative. What other options are there for a yellow fish in a 20 gallon?
  19. Coralsdaily

    The most aggressive tang vote

    Would like to gather community opinion on the most aggressive tang they have personally experienced. in my tank maintenance days I have personally witnessed sohal tangs murder an entire tank. What tang belongs in the asylum in your opinion? Even though tangs live and move in large congregation...
  20. golgobot

    Purple Tang Twitching. Eating Well. Neurological Damage?

    I have a new purple tang I bought off LA. I QT'ed for two weeks without any treatment before placing in DT. No visible marks on the skin or in or near the gills. However, this fish is super twitchy. It's like it has a tick. He's eating voraciously, but just acting super twitchy. Here's a video...
  21. Isolated Reef

    Bristletooth Tang Health Rapidly Declining

    Hey all, I’m getting desperate for some answers as my bristletooth tomini tangs health seems to be on a rapid decline. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed a white patch forming on the tang and it looked almost like the consistency of cotton. It started off small and after some research, it seemed to be...
  22. raphgiroux

    Tang family

    Hello there, no need for Tang police here, I understand about having a lot of tangs together. But I have a Tomini and a yellow tang that are besties, I'd like to add a third one but I don't know which would be as pacific.... Can you help me sort the 4 families of tangs and give me your favorite...
  23. R

    Stocking Ideas for new 150g mixed reef

    Hello all, I am nearing completion on my fully DIY 150gallon reef tank. The tank that I made is 60”x24”x24” and has a 50gallon sump. I am using about 2” of sand, as well as some NSA rock sculptures I made (about 120lbs of rock). The sump will contain an 11”x11”x11” chaeto refugium, 4L+ of...
  24. Aquaristexhibit

    Do I need to have actual “caves” or are hiding spots in an NSA Scape sufficient ?

    Hey Do I need to make real caves for the fish, or will this be sufficient i plan On keeping : Tang (purple or gem) Clowns Jawfish Fairy wrasse Royal gramma (maybe) goby The tank is a 75g (40” x 20” x 22”) thanks,
  25. Sakosreef

    What exactly is this fish and what are these marks?

    Hi guys, I purchased this blonde naso tang and what I believe to be a Vlamingi tang. The naso tang has not eaten yet but the vlamingi is a voracious eater. Could you guys help me positively ID that fish, the guy I bought it from said it’s too early to tell what it is. Also can you guys help me...
Your Reef