
  1. Royal Blue Tang

    For sale New York Royal Blue Tang

  2. ReefChasers


    Trachys, Leathers, Anemones, Acros, Torches and more just added to the site! Tangs, Clownfish, Angels, Firefish, & more in stock!
  3. Perpetual Novice

    Defund the tang police meme

    I made this myself lol
  4. C

    Large Yellowfin and Vlamingi Tangs

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Large Yellowfin and Vlamingi Tangs. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  5. D

    Mixing tangs, 1 from every genus?

    I'm about 50% of the way into my new tank build. Rocks already cooking in heated trough in the garage for a month so far. Will be a 160gal tank, 54"X28"X24" (LXWXH). This will upgrade from my current 70gal of 5 years. Regarding mixing of tangs and aggression towards each other, if my plan is 1...
  6. adittam

    Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Two Spot Bristletooth Tang. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

    For sale Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

    Looking to rehome my two-spot bristletooth tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus). He’s fat and healthy, my 4’x2’ tank just isn’t big enough for 2 tangs, because he and my small yellow tang have been stressing each other out for the entire month I’ve had the yellow tang. I was able to get my bristletooth...
  8. jjmuesch

    Tang addition

    Hi guys I am finishing up stocking my 210 gallon reef tank qnd I am ready to add my tang gang I had planned on adding 3 of them but can't decide on the mix so I am looking for personal opinions on what has worked for you to avoid aggression. Trying to decide on a tomini, yellow, purple...
  9. Y

    When/How to add tangs

    Recently I set up an 180 gallon with a 75 gallon modified tank for a sump. It’s cycled (1month) and currently home to 2 clowns, 2 bangkia cardinals, and a six line wrasse. The rocks are still clean and have not gone through the ugly phase. When should I add tangs? I want to add them all at the...
  10. insanelogic

    Help! Scopas tang fins eroding and scales falling off

    I have a scopas tang that I got about 2 years ago and ever since then his fins have been eroding, I’ve tried pimafix, melafix, prazipro, copper power, vitamin supplements, none of those work. All the tank specs seem to be on point, all the other fish are happy and healthy, I feed him nori...
  11. R

    EMERGENCY Diagnosis on Dead Powder Blue Tang

    Hi there, Unfortunately, my Powder Blue Tang had just passed from what I think is ich. It was in a quarantine tank at a copper therapeutic level of 2.08ppm. Can anyone confirm this death to be from ich? Thank you.
  12. damsels are not mean

    Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas)

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas). For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  13. Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas)

    For sale Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas)

    Fish has been in tank for a few years now. No signs of disease nor have there been any outbreaks in this ~10 year old system. Eats everything like a pig and I mostly feed spirulina flakes with some nori or mysis on some days. Has not been aggressive towards any tank mates, including blennies...
  14. geckoejon

    Tangs & Misc Fish - Sorrento, Florida

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Tangs & Misc Fish - Sorrento, Florida. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. caribbean reefing


    Hi i collected this tang in the mexican caribbean ocean and at the beginning it was all gray and now it is showing very nice patterns and colors Does anybody knows what type of tang is this?? Thanks
  16. polyppal

    What the world really needs now...

    is some fresh Tang Police gifs. (I had way too much downtime this afternoon)
  17. reefpat

    Purple Tang

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Purple Tang. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  18. Purple Tang

    For sale Purple Tang

    I'm in the process of parting ways with my bigger fish in order to make room for different smaller species. I have this beautiful Purple Tang; he is really healthy, parasite and disease free (as far as I can tell). I quarantined and treated him with Copper Power and API General Cure when I first...
  19. Eric Cohen

    Polyzona Tang for Sale

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Polyzona Tang for Sale. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  20. Polyzona Tang for Sale

    For sale Polyzona Tang for Sale

    I sold this fish to a super guy who also happens to be a great aquarist. He wants to add some other fish to his aquarium so is willing to part with his 5" polyzona tang. These fish are super rare, and are only found in the Mauritius Islands as far as I know. Not aggressive towards other fish...
  21. Gobyboy

    i have a tang in a 10g tank

    I have a baby yellow eye tang currently in my tank with 2 clownfish and a goby. However, I am worried that it might get too big for my tank what should I do? Get more hiding spaces? Give it to my dad with a 300 g? IDK
  22. S

    Blue Hippo Tang Lost Balance With White Spots

    I have bought two blue hippo tangs and the first one I took back to the store and then passed now I have one that has been in the tank 3-4 days and it’s following the same pattern as the first one expect the first one habituated the tank for 3 weeks and the current one today woke up with no...
  23. Kryptonian

    Selling Livestock, Lakeway tank

    Unfortunately, moving and need to breakdown the system. Have some fish and anemones looking for a new home. See my build thread for pictures. Happy to send more to interested buyers. Blonde Naso 6-7” Regal, Red Sea Misbar Sunburst Anthias Gladiator Clown Earmuff Wrasse Rainbow BTA x3 Black Widow...
  24. S

    Tang with discoloration near pectoral fin

    I had this tang in QT for about two months. I am new to the QT portion of the hobby. I was lucky enough to go 4 years with adding fish straight to main tank and nothing happened until luck ran out. So now I am being cautious with that being said I did the Cupramine treatment and two freshwater...
  25. N

    White Tale Kole Tang

    Hello All, Newer reefer. I picked up some tangs in November from an LFS (Hippo, Purple, Sailfin, Kole). I quarantined them for a month, then added to the 180 gal display. The Kole Tang started showing some milky white spots the first few days, then they disappeared. Looking at the Kole...