
  1. M

    Yellow Tang black ich

    Hello everyone Looking for some advice with black ich eradication... My Tang fully recovered from Lympho about a month ago. I guess that opened the door on his immune system for the turbellarians to attach. I noticed the little black spots above his skin near his fins yesterday, which...
  2. Shabalaba

    Purple Tang Question

    Hi all, I have been wanting to buy a purple tang for some time now, and i was wondering what you guys think is a fair price for a small specimen around 3 inches. It seems to be an absolutely captivating fish and I know ill get it at some point, but I'd rather not empty my wallet completely :D
  3. Melia

    Help! Spotting on my yellow tang-disease?!

    I recently got a yellow tang from my local pet store, and it has been developing some dark splotching on its’ scales. Is it Black Ich? I don’t know exactly what it is and i have no idea how I could fix this. Anything helps you guys!
  4. HotRocks

    My First Quarantine

    Seeking advice... I started my first QT tank with much help of @4FordFamily a while back. Anyway after reaching fully therapeutic copper levels, all my tangs (Achilles, Purple, chocolate, Blue hippo, desjardini, and a yellow) are great. I also started with 2 leopard wrasse, 2 Bluestar...
  5. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  6. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  7. LEOreefer

    Real life reef in Mexico!

    Hello everyone! I recently came back from my honeymoon, we were in Mexico and I had the privilege to do some snorkeling in a real live reef! I wanted to share some pictures and video with you all that I took with my gopro! I do have some quick thoughts so here it goes....... I don't consider...
  8. S

    Imbalances in 60 gallon

    I have a 60 gallon aquarium with a corner overflow that falls into a 55 gallon sump. It goes through a felt filter sock and I have a protein skimmer in the large chamber. I have about 75 lbs of live rock in the display tank with a less than one inch deep sand bed.i have two suspended...
  9. MSB123

    Flying Guard

    Hey guys! As some of you know, I'm restocking my 180 minimalist reef. I have about 50 lbs of rock, and a 1" deep sandbed and lots of mushrooms and softies and LPS. I was looking at this fish, The Flying Gunrad- http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+46+358&pcatid=358 The...
  10. R

    Tomini Tang Not Interested In Nori

    Hi all. I have a tomini tang that just doesn't seem to be interested in Nori. He recently completed a 4 week quarentine and has been in my display tank for 2 weeks now. He's been eating enriched Hikari Brine Shrimp and Hikari mysis shrimp vigorously the entire time. To feed, I've tried hanging...
  11. T

    Just signed up for the forum

    Hello everyone! My name is Antonio and I have had a reef tank now for over 3 years. I started with a 46 gallon bow front, but upon moving to my new house, I decided to upgrade to a bigger 120 gallon tank. I currently have an anemone dominated tank with other soft corals. I am hoping to start...
  12. PlanB

    Are all Blondes Female?

    I guess because I am a guy, that I want to believe my blonde tang is a female. However, I realize I may be making jerk of myself by assuming that that is the case - I mean she/he is such a beautiful creature. Can anyone fill me in on the intricacies of sex identification of our beloved fish?
  13. barista7105

    PowderBlue Tang

    Some says this is one of hard fish to keep due to prone to ick. However with proper quarantine and mature tank, it is not impossible to keep PBT for long time. These are my two PBT kept in 220g tank, been keeping them for 4+ years.
  14. CoralStop

    Yellow Tang with pop eye after rusted blade fell in aquarium

    Hey guys a rusty blade I used to cut zoas fell in my aquarium and my guess it was in there for 4 hours. My chalices and candy cane died and my blastos are closed. Everything else is fine, torches Goni zoa shrooms. My yellow tang did develop pop eye though it looks pretty bad. All other fish are...
  15. NicLongman


    I will post links to previous threads so you understand if you want to read what happened. I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who helpede through my first tank crash. The problem started with my tank seeming to be cycled...well it wasn't. There was brown diatoms and green hair...
  16. DSmithZ28

    QT Angel and Tang together tips?

    I am going to be getting a bristletooth tang and a flame angel in on Tuesday and have established a 10 gallon QT tank. It has all the components that are widely listed for a QT on this forum. Amonia is 0 right now and I have a sechem test in the tank. I also have a lot of bio spira on hand also...
  17. S


    I have a 4" yellow tang and a 3" scopes tang. The Yellow tang over around 6 months has constantly bothered and attacked the scopes tang. I was thinking of adding another tang/surgeonfish who was larger than the yellow tang to hopefully stop the fighting. Any Ideas? Will this work?
  18. arnoldndana

    Newbie to this site

    I'm new to this site and still learning how to navigate my way around here. I'm fairly new to SW aquariums but not the aquarium hobby. I have a 125g reef tank and started it on April 3rd of this year and fell in love with it. I have 150 lbs of sand (aragonite) 75 lbs of live rock 4 montipora...
  19. BlueWorldJeff

    Another Tang for my 180g

    Looking to get another tang for my 180g reef I had three previously, Large Dejardini Sailfin, Medium Yellow Eye Kole and Medium Blonde Naso. One day the Naso didnt look too good. Saw the Sailfin bullying it, so moved it to my hospital tank, but it didnt make it. Looking to get another...
  20. K

    Urchin Poking Tang

    My yellow tang periodically crashes into my longspine urchin in his travels around the 210. Once in a while it looks like he gets poked pretty good, the urchin looks likes he gets moved over about an inch. Should this be concerning? Are either of them getting hurt? Is my tang dumb? Urchin is...
  21. KirtiS

    Tangs and Tank Size

    Hey guys, is there a rule of thumb for how many tangs a 150G tank can handle? Other fishes are 3 Clowns, 2 Yellow Wrasse, Carpenter Wrasse, 6-line Wrasse, 2 Bar Gobys, 2 Fire Gobys, Diamond Goby
  22. trmiv

    Starlicki Damsel and Tomini tang rapid breathing in quarantine

    I received a Starlicki damsel and a Tomini tang from Divers Den on Friday. temp acclimated , matched the QT tank water to their water, and released. Saturday they were out and about and swimming well and eating. I did not take notice of their breathing Saturday. Today they are still eating...
  23. Slyler

    Achilles Tang - Cloudy eye

    I noticed last night that my Achilles Tang has a bit of a cloudy eye. I have done some research and seems it could be from a tussle with another fish. thinking about that, I did see my blue tang have his upper and lower fins damaged a little bit, could it be he tried to become king of the tank...
  24. Shaun Sweeney

    Purple Tang - Ick like spots

    I have two 140 gallon tanks with a tang in each one. The tanks share a common sump. The oldest tang is probably 6 years and the youngest maybe two. I've only had the youngest for about 6 months. The oldest fish has had ick like spots on it for at least a year but it doesn't show the typical...
  25. Fr4nkthet4nk

    Help Naso Tang showing this. No idea what is this.

    I have to quarantine all my fish because of Ich. My Naso tang is showing this white line. Do you have any idea what could this be? Naso looks super skinny.