
  1. nightmarepl

    Need help with tang in QT

    hey guys I’m curing a yellow tang of ick in a QT currently using piper power as the treatment method tangs been healing up very nicely her fins and scales have heals up no signs of ick so far bug started getting a red spot on the top fin running down her back, after 4 days now the red got a lot...
  2. nightmarepl

    Yellow tang back fins cut up

    hey guys i have a yellow tang that is suffering some minor ich trying to keep it in check, noticed his back fins are really looking cut up wondering what is causing this i have water in check, fish mates are 2 clowns and a yellow tail damsel any ideas is it the ich taking a toll?
  3. nightmarepl

    advice required Tang & possible Ich & ways to stop it

    so long story short i dont have a QT tank, petco had an amazing deal on a wild caught yellow tang not those AC tangs with faded colors, the problem is the tang was in a tank with 2 other tangs that had signs of ich " white specs on them " the tang i purchased had no signs but most likely has ich...
  4. Peach02

    What type of tang is this?

    So my LFS got this guy in last week and have been slowly getting him back to health but what type of tang is this, they were not entirely sure but thought orange shoulder tang but I can’t find any photos online that match it’s look.
  5. AquaDaddy

    Upgrading Tank, how to transfer old fish and add new fish at same time...

    HI there. We currently have a 93 cube and it's been up and running for a couple years. We have the below list in our tank and they are all happy and doing well. We are also in the process of building our new tank (210) and are looking for advice on transferring the fish as well as adding new...
  6. ReefJCB

    Mixing tangs

    Ive currently got a yellow tang and would ultimately love to add a powder blue, and possibly a purple. Do these species get along? I’ve got 120g with many hiding spots in the rock.
  7. C-Reefer

    Selcon vs Vitachem for HLLE treatment

    Hey guys, I just got two bristletooth tangs out of QT (Tomini+Kole) where I did treat with copper. THe tomini developed HLLE so I got it out of QT and into DT as soon as all prophylactic treatments were finished. He's now happily swimming around in my 75 and munching algae, which has perfect...
  8. Gage Sullivan

    Convict tang temperament

    Hi, so I want to get some new fish online. I am considering getting a convict tang (along with some chromis) but want to add more fish to the tank later on. He will be very small, and it is a 55gal. Will he bother other fish later on in your experience? The new fish will likely be gobies and...
  9. sghera64

    When a Tang loves a Blenny (Funny Fish Video)

    The subtitles in this 1 minute clip say it all. (Enjoy!)
  10. Pinback

    Tennessee Kole Tang / Coris Wrasse - wanted

    I'm in east tennessee. I have a 75 gallon tank. i'm looking for a kole tang, or other tang that can thrive in my tank. also looking for a coris wrasse (yellow, green, etc) thanks for looking
  11. kdino

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you all have a great day! -Kyle
  12. Jvesche20

    What’s your favorite fish in your tank?

    Title says it all. What’s your favorite fish you have in your tank? Post some pics of you have any!
  13. jimmert33

    Florida 2inch black tang for sale

    Located in Orlando, Pick up only. Tried a black tang in my reef quickly realized it was not meant to be with the other tangs attacking him. He is 2 inches and eats literally everything you throw near him. He is $750.
  14. pokegirl1332

    Treating ick safely and quickly PLEASE HELP

    I have a 130 gallon water box with 2 davincii clowns, a melenarus wrasse, a coral beauty and a purple tang. also a TON of corals. this is the first time in years of owning tanks that I've gotten ich. I know the purple tang has ich but can't quite tell about the others. Don't have a quarantine...
  15. Shabalaba

    Fish Dying

    Hello, I have a 100g mixed reef that has been established for about a year and a half. I have not added a new fish for about 5 months, and I believed all to be going very well. I woke up this morning and I found my Powder Brown Tang laying on the sand bed. I was in distress and looked at him for...
  16. jimmert33

    Florida Black tang for sale Orlando

    Hey everyone I have a 5 inch Black tang that has gotten too big for my tank im asking $750 which is less than what I paid for him. As the title states im located in Orlando and im not willing to ship thanks!!!! pic is a bit hard to obtain as he is a fast swimmer.
  17. Struggler

    A Purple Kole Tang?

    Hello, I have been looking to add a Kole Tang to my 90 gallon and I have notice that some of the Kole tangs that I have seen have either been brown or purple in color. Can anyone explain to me this difference and how I could order a kole tang so that it will specifically be more on the purple...
  18. JMarsh

    Red Sea Sailfin Tang (African or Maldives)

    Hi everyone, Are there any differences to consider when looking at the geography of Red Sea Sailfin Tangs? I see that they can come from different locations (Maldives/Sri Lanka or Africa). Thanks for any and all input!
  19. AlbinoTang

    Florida 5" Purple Tang

    For sale a 5 inches beautiful Purple Tang. He has been with me for almost 2 years. He eats pellets, mysis, brine, nori... like crazy. He never has been sick. always free of itch. He is very good with my other tangs and fish but my Aquilles. $175
  20. 1

    Hardy Tangs?

    looking to add 1 tang with a foxface in a 125 gal tank. I heard Powders are super sensitive and I do not have a UV light for this tank. Had 1 friend mention that tangs from the Zebrasoma genus are the only hardy ones but I'm not sure how true that is.
  21. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  22. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  23. Genicanthus-R-Us

    Build Thread Geni’s 120 mixed reef

    Check it out and give me y’alls thoughts!
  24. Struggler

    Atlantic Blue Tang: Acanthurus coeruleus

    So I have seen people say that you need a 180 gallon tank and others say a 75 gallon tank for this fish. How is there such a variation in the recommendations? I have a 90 gallon right now would that work for them? I would like to get one very young in the yellow stage and watch it change over...
  25. Slyler

    Is this HLLE?

    My Yellow Tang has had this white around his eyes for a long time. It does t seem to get worse or better. I think it is HLLE and will start soaking his food in vitamins and garlic. I just want to make sure it is HLLE and not something else, none of my other fish have this on them.
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