stocking ideas

  1. J

    Stocking recommendations for biocube?

    Just a post to see what you guys recommend I add for stocking my biocube 32. Right now I have 2 clowns and a sapphire damsel. Filtration I use the intank media basket and have a refugium with chaeto. (It grows insanely fast) for some species I was thinking (not all of these just a conbibation of...
  2. Yourlocalreefer

    Future stocking list for 180g?

    Hi I’m setting up a 180g 72 x 24 x 24 inches. My current livestock: (transferring from my current 65g all rock,sand, and water would be transferred as well) 1xscopas tang (small juvenile) 4x chromis 2x ocellaris clownfish 1x brittle starfish 1x cleaner shrimp A couple snails and hermits Future...
  3. TheoneandonlyME

    Stocking ideas

    Im going to build my first saltwater aquarium (with corals) which is going to be 55 gallons. And i need stocking ideas for easy fishand corals too. Im going to do a bit of research on compatibility today so some of my stocking options might sound strange. In there, i would really like 2 mocga...
  4. apolsod

    Stocking a 15 gallon

    Have a 15 gallon Waterbox cycling and was thinking about what would be interesting to add. Currently have around 8 pounds of dry rock and 2 pounds of live rock, as well as 10 pounds of live sand. I will eventually be adding corals. Anyone have any suggestions for both corals and or fish. This...
  5. Kota

    Stocking reccomendations for a 20 gallon high FOWLR

    Hi all, was looking for some different suggestions of fish and unique invertebrates to add to my research list/cart. Right now my tank is a very stable 8 months old and I just haven't had the extra money to shell out to get fish because of unfortunate personal events but I'm finally able to...
  6. lololobster21

    Livestock Help

    hello! i have a 75g macroalgae display tank only a few fish currently a couple damsels, mcosker wrasse, clown, and diamond goby im looking for a larger fish to add that wont destroy macro or soft corals, any suggestions appreciated, thanks.
  7. Erik the Red

    Advices and ideas for new build

    Hi everyone, I’m planning to get a new tank instead of my Waterbox 35.1 AIO. The reason is that it’s never really taken off and I need some more stability as due to my job it can be hard to follow the tank. So basically I’d like a bigger tank to allow it to go on autopilot once in a while. For...
  8. C

    65 display stocking ideas I know not original lol

    I currently have 2 clowns oscellaris (one da Vinci and one flurry), melunarus wrasse, royal gramma, Midas blenny, flame angel. It is a mixed reef. I have a roller mat refugium and protien skimmer in the sump and total water volume is somewhere around 70-71 after rock sand and equipment. My...
  9. Ascartes

    Red Sea 3XL Stocking Discussions

    Hello all, finally moving up from a 90g and 40b into RS3XL. These are the fish I currently have between the two and some information about their behavior so far. 40b 2x Ocellaris Clowns (perfect harmony with the damsel) 1x Blue Damsel (perfect with clowns for over 1 year now) 1x Neon...
  10. Lynx

    Tentative Stocking Plan

    Planning on a Coralife Biocube 32 been doing freshwater for many years and have always been interested in reefs but never had the time/$$$ to make the plunge! The past few weeks has been tons of researching/obsessing so here's my general ideas for livestock! My goal is a super cool aquascape...
  11. CalsReef2020

    30 Gallon Species Specific Tank.

    Looking for some ideas!! I have a 30 gallon reef aquarium that crashed a few months ago, lost everything except 2 clowns that I have since moved to another tank. The tank is much better and I am now considering stocking it again, but I want to do a species specific tank. Any Suggestions??
  12. G

    fluval evo 13.5 stocking

    I don't have experience with saltwater fish but have had that 65 for a about 7 years as a freshwater tank so I'm not entirely new. I'd want to have corals so they'd need to be reef safe. I don't want clown fish either because they can get aggressive but mainly because I see them everywhere and...
  13. Croccoligator

    20g long stocking idea advice

    hey y’all! pretty new to saltwater but I’ve been keeping freshwater for a couple years and have a 20g sitting around that I wanna use. I’ve been doing a bit of research but I’m still stumped on how many is too many My stocking idea: - 2 ocellaris clowns - 1 banggai cardinalfish - 1 longnose...
  14. underthereef

    Potential Stocking List (And Order Of Addition) For A 180G Mixed Reef

    Hey All! I've been building my 180G mixed reef tank set up and it is finally cycling! So now my thoughts are on my potential stocking list and order of addition. :) Let me know what you guys think about my potential list; any potential worries that should be brought to my attention and...
  15. maryocean7

    Fish Stock Suggestions

    Hello everyone. We are about 1 month now into the hobby and made a list of fishes we would potentially like to have. We obviously know a lot of these we won't be able to get but would like your opinion on what we can or should not get, problems they may cause or alternatives. Now we do want to...
  16. C

    35g stocking list, suggestions?

    So im setting up my first saltwater tank and its 35G, any suggestions would help :) Entacmaea quadricolor Heteractis magnifica Fromia pacifica (Yellow tipped red) Amphiprion ocellaris x 2 (Nemo) Any other fish suggestions would be appreciated
  17. R

    60 Gallon Mixed Reef Stocking

    Hi, hope everyone's having a good day I'm currently setting a 4' 60 gallon tank that I'm planning on being a mixed reef with mainly soft and lps coral with a few easier sps. For filtration I have about 55-70 lbs of rock, it's plumbed to a 33 gallon sump with a refugium and a Eshopps skimmer...
  18. S

    Stocking advice - wrasse, ditherfish, bottom dwellers - 180 gallons

    Hi guys. I have a 180 gallon mixed reef. I was hoping for some advice about mixing and introducing some wrasse, dither fish and bottom dwellers to my tank. Esentially anything small that will help add a bit of a sense of scale and colour when compared to my tangs - which I realise I have a lot...
  19. J

    40 gal stocking

    Hey guys I have a 40 gallon reef tank set up and it’s almost out of the cycling stage. I plan on keeping hardy corals in there and adding them once the tank is about 3-6 months old, or at least after the algae bloom stage is over. I am thinking of adding the following fish: - 1x Clownfish: I...
  20. 2manyideas

    Build Thread 75 gal. stocking help

    I am helping my friend decide on a stocking list for his new tank. He is upgrading from a 36 gallon bowfront to a 75 gallon. The 75 is equipped with a sump. The fish he is moving from the 36 to the 75 once it is cycled are a 8-10 inch snowflake eel and a rust angel. The tank was just filled and...
  21. F

    Nano 55l stocking

    i currently have an aquanano 40 setup, its 55l with a luma pixie 30w light, various sps, lps and soft corals. I had a coral goby in there but he sadly past, i left it just corals for a while with the odd dose of fish food for remaining hermits and snails im looking for any stocking ideas...
  22. P

    Stocking Suggestions for WB 35.2

    Hello! I’m looking to add a couple new fish to my waterbox 35 gal community reef aquarium currently I have: 1 snowflake clownfish 1 yellow banded possum wrasse 1 starry blenny 4 emerald crabs Some snails Two shrimp I want to add movement and color with fish that spend lots of time in the...
  23. RummynoseToReef

    Build Thread RummynoseToReef's 1st Reef Tank

    Hi all! Welcome to the build thread for my 40B tank, my first foray into the saltwater hobby. I don't plan to really begin the build until mid-January due to a vacation (to Costa Rica, if anyone has any activity suggestions?!) but I thought it would be best to document everything, in the event...
  24. TL1

    Vlamingi / Orange Shoulder / Blonde Naso Center Piece Fish?

    Hello everyone! I'm finalizing my Reefer S-1000 Build and am trying to decide on a large centerpiece fish. I'm posting this to hopefully gain some insights from you guys and gals, because there are so many differing opinions on these fish and their appropriate minimum tank size. My...
  25. T

    Stocking advice for a 40 aio cube

    Hi guys! I was wondering if I have any additional options for my 40 cube I am setting up. I am combining two 13.5 tanks so my current stock would be: 2 snowflake clowns 1 Rainford’s Goby 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1 Randall’s pistol shrimp I was hoping to maybe add a lawnmower blenny and maybe...