stocking ideas

  1. R

    Stocking advise IM fusion 15

    New to the hobby, started a innovative marine fusion 15 nano reef. The tank has been running just over a month now. Since the tank cycled and I added a pair of clown fish which have been doing great and the levels in the tank have been holding great for two weeks now. My plan for this tank is to...
  2. A

    New tank. Stocking ideas???

    Hey! So I plan to upgrade from a Waterbox Marine X 60.2 (24 inches, 2 feet long) to a CADE Frag 1500 (60 inches, 5 feet long). I currently have a smaller Scopas, 2 clownfish, a melanurus wrasse, and a mandarin dragonet. I want a yellow tang, I probably will cap out at 2 tangs, unless more is...
  3. Drayven666

    Stocking my 200 FOWLR.

    Looking for stocking ideas for my 72x26x24 200 gallon. Looking into my options so I can like up their quarantine with my tank fallow end date. Brook came in the water from an order of inverts a few weeks ago, and the fish go back in June 10th-ish. Only requirement is that the fish won't eat...
  4. 1epauletteshark

    100g mini reef pre build thread

    The tank I want to thank @i cant think and @SaltyT again for help on the stocking but that stocking was intended for a 180 gallon tank and after some discussion and negotiation I can confirm I will be purchasing my dream tank, a 100g/≈374L tank, and all the equipment needed this afternoon. I...
  5. David100

    Fish Suggestions for a 135 L Tank?

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some fish suggestions for my m-90 fluval reef tank. Currently, I have x2 clown fish, a peppermint shrimp, and a basic Clean up Crew (CUC). The tank is about 135L, and I'm looking for some utility fish that can help me out with my GHA problem. I also prefer...
  6. BlackiceClowns

    Dwarf Angelfish For 45 Gallon

    Hello everyone. I have a 45-gallon tank that I'm planning on keeping as an Lps and Softie tank. My dimensions are 20 by 20 inches and 28 inches tall. I also have a 20-gallon sump. The tank scape has plenty of rocks and a lot of swimming spaces and holes. I was hoping to add a flame angelfish but...
  7. BlazeHand

    Finally decided and got my tank

    After going back and forth with my family we decided to get a 75-gallon tank, someone had recommended me a 75-gallon tank as it works better as a reef tank due to its layout. I'm trying to come up with a stock list so I can look around while my tank cycles. Diamond sand sifting Goby Yellow...
  8. LiLinka

    Stocking 30 gallon tank

    Please excuse all algea, dirty glass, and sand as well as the dead stylo. I’ve been in this hobby for quite some time and this tank is pretty new. *up since october* I just wanted the communities input on what to stock some areas that are feeling kind of blank in the tank. Something to fill it...
  9. N11morales

    Stocking 80G display

    Hello I was wondering what fish people recommend to stock a 80G tank. Recently I been looking into adding more fish. current stock: 2 clowns Bangaii cardinal Melanarus wrasse Stock ideas I had: carpenter flasher wrasse Tomini or kole tang (not 100% sure on this one. Heard they can go in a 75G+...
  10. W

    Finalizing Stocking Plans for 120 Gallon FOWLR

    Been in the planning stages for months, lurking here, and gathering equipment for my 120 gallon build. Finally got everything together and started cycling the tank about a week ago. No livestock in the tank yet as I don’t want to rush anything (have before and learned from my mistakes) but...
  11. Herbie's Reef

    Need help with a stocking list for my 85 gallon!!!

    Hello everyone! I have recently started my first reef tank and am working on the stocking list. The tank is 85 gallons with the dimensions of 41" length x 24" width x 22" height. I plan on keeping a 1-2" sand bed for the various wrasses I want to keep and am currently building an NSA aquascape...
  12. shawnriv

    Help: Fish Stocking List Suggestions

    Hello All, I am looking for suggestions for my upcoming 120G SPS reef. Here is my current list and I'm open to suggestions. The tangs will be added last to avoid aggressions. - 2 clownfish - 1 royal gramma - 1 leopard wrasse - 1 sunburst anthias - 1 flame hawkfish - 1 swallowtail angel OR...
  13. S

    75 gallon bowfrond stocking ideas

    So I've been wanting a saltwater tank forever now and i finaly have started setting things up now its going to be a long while before i get any fish or corals. I do great on planning everything for the tank but i hardly have a clue about wat to put in the tank. thing i know i want main pieces...
  14. F

    Help selecting Tang(s) for 120G

    Hey all, New to the forum and reefing, I’ve seen lots of threads similar to this but thought I’d put it out there to get tang takes. I have a new 120G tank (4x2x2) with sump, currently fully cycled and up and running with 2 orange clowns. Trying to finalize my stock list and trying to decide...
  15. C

    55 gallon stocking ideas

    Hi, I plan to stock my 55 gallon soon and I want some ideas for the stocking list These are the fish/invertebrates that I want for certainty : 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 hector's goby (I will add after the sandbed is more "established"), 1 red firefish, 1 cleaner shrimp, and cuc (mix of...
  16. 1epauletteshark

    17 gallon stocking ideas

    Already added: 2x Baby ocellarus clownfish 1x Skunk cleaner shrimp 5x nassarius snails 2x cheeky hitchhiker porcelain crabs 1x turbo snail 1x small BTA Fish plans: I still need help deciding what other small fish I should add seeing as I removed the Yasha hase goby from the list because I...
  17. P

    55 Gallon reef tank stocking ideas

    Hi, as the title suggests, I'll be stocking my 55 gallon tank that I'm also planning to turn into a reef tank. Here are my ideas so far, please let me know if there are any problems or improvements, thanks 2 ocerallis clownfish 1 purple firefish 3 pajama cardinal 1 diamond watchman goby 1...
  18. J

    30 gallon tall-ish fish ideas

    Hello all! I'm looking for some ideas on finishing off stocking my peaceful small reef. Display dimensions are 24"x18"x18". 30 lbs live rock in display, sump with 10 gallon total water volume, refugium and a Reef Octpous Classic 150 skimmer, medium flow and subdued lighting. The tank itself is...
  19. Erik the Red

    Stocking WB 100.3, fish questions

    Hello, I’m setting up a new WB100.3 (90x60x55 cm) It will be the biggest tank I’ve ever owned, so I have some doubts about the stocking… my list is: 2x Ocellaris Clownfish from my previous system 1x Ecsenius midas - Persian Blenny 1x Labroides dimidiatus - Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasser 1x...
  20. Reef0holic

    Stocking ideas

    I have a 425 litre Red Sea reefer G2 and was going to make it a FOWLR setup, I am open to suggestions, I would like; Coral beauty angel Fuzzy Dwarf lionfish Red stripe angel Lemonpeal angel You suggest filler fish and other cool fish
  21. Reef0holic

    425litre fish only system stocking

    I've just bought a new red sea reefer 425 G2, and want to make it a fish-only system, I'd greatly appreciate ideas on stocking and recommendations. I would like; -a few dwarf angels - a dwarf lionfish -some kind of tang - and some fillers thank you-Reef0holic
  22. R

    Stocking on a 12 gallon cube

    I am considering stocking a 12 gallon tank with a Goby and Pistol Shrimp pair, (Wheeler's Shrimp Goby or a similar Goby and Randall's Pistol Shrimp), Tail Spot Blenny, and a Clown Gobby. Is this overstocking? If so, what should I remove? Some people say on other threads that this is good, but...
  23. R

    Red Sea 170 Stocking Ideas

    I currently have my red sea 170 stocked with a hammer coral garden & zoa garden along with two scolys on the sand bed. I'm planning on getting some fish in soon & was hoping for some ideas. I have a list in mind which I'll share below but I'd like to hear other recommendations & fish that I...
  24. G

    Large tanks with a focus on small inhabitants?

    I suppose "large" depends on what you're use to. I'm just wondering if anyone has specific examples of or experience with tanks dedicated to tiny creatures? Rather than being stocked around minimum sizes, or a mixture of large and small. The closest I've seen are clownfish harems. Half a dozen...
  25. T

    What are some stocking options for a 22 gallon long saltwater tank?

    Need advise on what my stocking options are for a 22 gallon long. Plan to do soft coral down the road. Thank you for any input! The tank dimensions are 36 inches long 11.9 wide and 11.9 tall.
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